
So I recently bought a nice one from Amazon it got a little wet hahah! Thing is shot now and wont work. Any suggestions of which one to get that works well when wet and accurate?
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I just bought this one... You still dont want a direct spray to its sensor that you put in the cage. but it works great. It came with a 10% off thing in the box. I think it is their standard discount you could try it out. Coupon code BL9FE9F5
That's exactly the one I had lol! I went to check my temps and the screen was all scrambled.. Figured it was because the mist screwed it up
ummmm the screen on this one is not supposed to go into the enclosure. Just the sensor.
You're correct! This isn't the one that I had actually, mine was a single unit and did not have the water proof sensor. Im going to order this one now! Thank you very much!
You're correct! This isn't the one that I had actually, mine was a single unit and did not have the water proof sensor. Im going to order this one now! Thank you very much!
Remember do not put the sensor in direct path of the spray though lol. and use black duct tape over the sensor light.
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