Hyperion Babies! :)


Avid Member
So finally Hyperion's and Eris's eggies are starting to hatch
Almost all of them look like they are going to hatch and they are all
very active and are already eating and pooping

Sorry for the crappy pictures iPhone Camera :/




Congrats! Wasn't that clutch laid in February of this year? I think it was right around when mine was laid, but they are still incubating! :3 Looking forward to pictures!
awsome Kara:D

gotta luv babbies haha, and sambava babies make it even more fun:)

goodluck withh them
Yeah it was earlier this year. Moviemanmania has a sibling of these guys that hatched earlier in his care.

I'm so excited for this clutch since he's my favorite chameleon. Half of them seem nice and relaxed around my hands like he is, and a few are fiery little demons like their mommy. Two bit me right out of the container!

One little male hatched with green cheeks and semi-yellow eye turrets!
For those of you folks that do not know Hyperion and Eris, Here are a few pics. I'm hoping these babies will be smaller since both the parents are extremely petite!




you know you are making this very hard to NOT get a sambava:(:rolleyes:

sigh.....calm down ace.....calm down......maybe next time......

ehh who am i kidding....

I WANT A SAMBAVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

must resist.......must be patient
Thank you! She is just the most beautiful color!

I have a total of 14 babies. One half-hatched out chewing her tongue and then died shortly after.
Yeah, it was very sad to see her sitting there like that. She was from the smallest egg though, so it wasn't too much of a surprise.
Congrats on the babies Kara! Sorry to hear that you lost one. I hope all the others do very well for you.
Ew it's Kara and Hyperion!

Congrats on ze bebes. Hope le school is going well for you if you're back to it already.
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