I adopted a Veiled, help with a few questions!

Ohhh man that blows. I'm counting down the hours for my little guy to get home.. I'm skipping half my classes tomorrow so I can be home when he arrives..College is overrated hahaha

Lmao!! It kinda is. I went to School for Environmental Studies and i now work for a Bank! I'm actually entertaining the though of a move to Florida and see if i can get my foot in the door with Fl Fish and Wildlife! (with 2 young kids , it's hard)

I don't mind the wait to get a healthy animal. But i'm a lil worried about the weather and shipping.:eek:
Lmao!! It kinda is. I went to School for Environmental Studies and i now work for a Bank! I'm actually entertaining the though of a move to Florida and see if i can get my foot in the door with Fl Fish and Wildlife! (with 2 young kids , it's hard)

I don't mind the wait to get a healthy animal. But i'm a lil worried about the weather and shipping.:eek:

Yeah, if the weather is bad, you're gonna be in for a long, long wait.

I'm studying aerospace engineering right now, its tough.. But reality is, I could end up working in many other things so.. missing one day of physics and calculus wont hurt lol.
This was him sleeping on his free range lastnight. Notice how loose his grip is on the branch. Is this normal?


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This was him sleeping on his free range lastnight. Notice how loose his grip is on the branch. Is this normal?

Dude thats so legit. I hope i can get my little guy that comfortable to sleep in his free roam tree. Can you post a picture of the colony. Im intersted in starting my own. my guy loves mealworms. i got some super worms today for the first time and had to cut em in half cuz they were pretty large. He liked it tho.
Dude thats so legit. I hope i can get my little guy that comfortable to sleep in his free roam tree. Can you post a picture of the colony. Im intersted in starting my own. my guy loves mealworms. i got some super worms today for the first time and had to cut em in half cuz they were pretty large. He liked it tho.

Seems he will sleep where ever he is when bed time comes (usually around 8pm). The other day he fell asleep on my wife's arm.

And yea, Supers can be hugee!! especially for a little Cham. How old is yours?
My Chameleon just tried to eat me!!

I was just handeling Kamo. He was on my hand infront my face, i thought he was going to climb ontop my head, but he didn't go he just stood there for like 10 seconds. He was soo close to my face that i couldn't focus my eyes without going cross-eyed. Then i felt a slap on my face!!

He tried to eat my eyebrow!! lmaooooooooooooooooo. I wish i had this on tape.
Seems he will sleep where ever he is when bed time comes (usually around 8pm). The other day he fell asleep on my wife's arm.

And yea, Supers can be hugee!! especially for a little Cham. How old is yours?

4 ish months old. he is a big little guy for his age. He is very handle able too. He was under this blanket today against me and actually fell asleep on me. not gonna lie it was kinda cute.
So yea , things are getting out of hand realll fast at my home!! SMH! Usually i have my wife to curb my hording . But this time she is 100% onboard!!

Getting ready for the new Cham. Kamo gets a HUGE cage (28" x 28" x 50")!!

Some pix of the Pet Corner!

The Hibiscus soil needs to be covered up with slate and river rocks so Kamo dosent dirt dive and more vines will be added. Also a Mistking is on order!


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Very nice dude.. 2 suggestions though

1) Put more things in Kamo's cage..its empty!
2) Get that mirror away from there lol.. Kamo is going to be wanting to kill the reflection
Very nice dude.. 2 suggestions though

1) Put more things in Kamo's cage..its empty!
2) Get that mirror away from there lol.. Kamo is going to be wanting to kill the reflection

Yea, the cage is not finished. I have some bendable vine soaking and will be put in tomorrow along with a smaller ficus!

And the mirror will be moved to another wall.
Getting ready for the new guy on Tuesday!

Well today i finished Kamo's new cage . And he spent his first day in it. He seems very happy.


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Is ur uv in that plastic thing?
Look if it says that it blocks UV..there was a thread some time ago about that.. The plastics prevented the UV to pass
Is ur uv in that plastic thing?
Look if it says that it blocks UV..there was a thread some time ago about that.. The plastics prevented the UV to pass

The fixture to the right (back) is a ExoTerra unit with 2 coiled 5.0 UVB.

There is another fixture that's in the middle canopy that will hold a 24" 5.0 UVB ( just ordered , will be here Tuesday). The ExoTerra coiled bulbs are temp since I broke my 18" UVB bulb yesterday.

The plastic fixture has a metal reflector that seems to do the job. But I hear bad things about the coiled bulbs. So right now I'm being safe than sorry and just ordered another 18" and a 24" ReptiSun 5.0 UVB. The 24" will go in the canopy of the larger cage and the 18" goes on the smaller tank with the new Panther

PS: 36 hours till he gets hereeee!!!
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