I almost got his tongue ugh


Avid Member
So I used my picture burst feature on my phone which takes 50 pics in roughly 2.5 seconds and I still didn't manage to catch the moment of contact (well played captain Spock...well played) but I won't give up just yet. Maybe I should change his name to Jericho Thunder Lightning Tongue LOL! He doesn't answer to Spock anyways lol. One day I will catch it Mr Spock! Owner - 0 owned - 1 to be continued......... as they say patience is a virtue.
Jericho Thunder Lighting Tongue is a mouthful, BUT given the speed of that tongue (and the size) a mouthful name like that would also fit! Either way, he is a cool, cool dude! ;)
Jericho Thunder Lighting Tongue is a mouthful, BUT given the speed of that tongue (and the size) a mouthful name like that would also fit! Either way, he is a cool, cool dude! ;)
Well put! And Jim Morrison was a chameleon all day every day when he was still chewing them psychedelic buggers! ;P
Pretty sure he is black because he is stressed from lack of cover in that entire area of the cage. If he was happier he would be normal green colors.
I agree 100% I have no false illusions as to if he was happy and excited that the big tattood monster wanted to feed him some food. But what am I supposed to do just never try to build a trust with him.... it's baby steps Randall... and in my eyes (maybe I'm wrong) but I think that's a good lil baby step towards a trusting TRUST relationship. I AM THE BRINGER OF FOOD AND ALL GOOD THINGS! I'm probably delusional there though lol :D
But still pretty cool to get in a pic if you ask me. And I just can't get cover to stay up there without pissing him off some more... heck I already custom built his cage from the misting system at the top to the drainage at the bottom. Dang it Randall I'm trying my best lol!

Ps I know he hates me even though I've dropped more on him in funds then I do for myself.
I'd hate me too


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I will have to agree, you need a little more coverage for a hideout . I added a ton of fake leaves in mine. Your custom built enclosure is cool though.
I will have to agree, you need a little more coverage for a hideout . I added a ton of fake leaves in mine. Your custom built enclosure is cool though.
I just can't see myself going the fake leaf route but I can drop some more money on plants for the top I guess sigh. It's definitely a work in progress always.
truth, I have a couple of pothos, but that is it. I don't have a green thumb.
I guess I just figured in time all the plants would get up there in time and I'll be inevitably trimming them back constantly. But if anyone has any ideas on just how I can get some real plants to stay up there and not kill my top screen on the cage I'll hang a few plants up there. Maybe just some cross supports like on the side added on the top. I'll look into it forsure
Look at Dragron Strand ledges. I have them on my enclosure and that is where I have my small plants. Midway up the side and about 18inches from the top on the second one. That's all of my ideas
I just can't see myself going the fake leaf route but I can drop some more money on plants for the top I guess sigh. It's definitely a work in progress always.
I'm in Texas, but the Walmart here has some awesome pothos for only $6!! They're healthy and have lots of runners/vines. Check out your local Walmart!
I agree 100% I have no false illusions as to if he was happy and excited that the big tattood monster wanted to feed him some food. But what am I supposed to do just never try to build a trust with him.... it's baby steps Randall... and in my eyes (maybe I'm wrong) but I think that's a good lil baby step towards a trusting TRUST relationship. I AM THE BRINGER OF FOOD AND ALL GOOD THINGS! I'm probably delusional there though lol :D
But still pretty cool to get in a pic if you ask me. And I just can't get cover to stay up there without pissing him off some more... heck I already custom built his cage from the misting system at the top to the drainage at the bottom. Dang it Randall I'm trying my best lol!

Ps I know he hates me even though I've dropped more on him in funds then I do for myself.
I'd hate me too
I feel the same way, my female veiled loves me when I offer food or let her out.
If you have a pothos plant with lots of "runners" vines with little "nobby" parts on the vines, cut the vine about an inch before the "nobby" part and put that end in water. It should start to root out and bam! You have a whole new plant. Pothos are so easy to root out and start new plants. (y)
Then again, if @rambonerzilla came at me with vines and leaves and whatnot, I'd snap into shape!! Lol, seriously tho, you could easily grow several of your own plants/pothos for your enclosure. (y):rolleyes:
I'm fixing to head to get some plants to solve all this for sure I'll update when (I think) I'm done. I have tons of pothos been using it in fish tank for a good while :) update soon!
OK I've been to three walmart in the jersey village area and two houston garden centers and there pothos were either not up to my par (walmart) or they simply didn't have any (hgc) so I hate to say this cause I'm all about the live plants but I'm heading to hobby lobby to pick up some FAKE plants. I'll update as soon as I buy,clean,and install, I'm using this as a temporary fix till all my live plants grow in. Updating soon.
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