I dont know what to do?????

AH Smeegle my veiled chameleon has just started to shed right before I was going to put him to sleep??? AH What to do? should I let him stay up untill he is done or what HELP I have raised his humidity levels?? what to do HELP:confused::confused::confused::(:(:(:(:(
Raising the humidity level will help. Tomorrow you can do some hand misting, otherwise, leave him to do his shedding.
Yes just leave him and don't stress. Mist and he will be done quickly. It is a normal process for them. Whilst it looks scary at first they shed as they grow and they always look better once shed.
Don't worry, he can shed during the night. I'm not sure why everybody is telling you to raise your humidity levels without knowing your humidity levels. While it is true that the humidity helps him shed, that is only to a point. If your humidity is around 50-60% that is just fine. I would not raise it above that for a veiled.
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