I feel dumb!


New Member
I have a 5 1/2 month old Nosy be from Kammerflage. I noticed a few days ago that he started going to bed early - he'd be alseep in usual spot down low in his schefflera plant by the time I came home from work around 5pm. I knew something was up but wasn't sure what. He's been eating and drinking great, and appears healthy as can be. I stood on a chair this morning to look in up high to double check the temps up top with a temp gun, and noticed that from that angle, I could see a reflection in the plexiglass sheet I have on the back wall of his screen cage. I'd just recently put it there and I'd put black paper on the outside of it thinking that would mute the reflection (and it does from my viewpoint looking up). The plexiglass is there just to help with the humidity and keep the overspray to a minimum. I felt so STUPID and put some cardboard between it and the cage. When I came home today he was in his usual spot up high (phew!) and was displaying some brilliant blue colors!

Anyway, I just thought I'd share my caging error with everyone.
Thanks for sharing very interesting.

I have a free range at home that houses a melleri. It is pretty long like 7ft. I would see him/her walk form one side of the range looking relaxed then stop at the other side and display , black dots and all. He was not happy. I tried to figure out what was going on for days. It was so strange.

Then one day I was adjusting some branches and cleaning the leaves in that area. I turned around to get a bag and saw my reflection in a mirror across the room.

Moved it and never had a problem since.
Hey just join in, all of us have made mistakes like that at one time or the other!! Just learn from it and be happy you resolved it before any issues with youe cham.:)
Thanks for sharing very interesting.

I have a free range at home that houses a melleri. It is pretty long like 7ft. I would see him/her walk form one side of the range looking relaxed then stop at the other side and display , black dots and all. He was not happy. I tried to figure out what was going on for days. It was so strange.

Then one day I was adjusting some branches and cleaning the leaves in that area. I turned around to get a bag and saw my reflection in a mirror across the room.

Moved it and never had a problem since.

I'd get scared too if I saw your reflection in the mirror :D I had the same thing with my veiled she was on the dresser at the end of my bed and she was all spotted up and I couldn't figure it out. Then I saw my mirrow above my headboard and the light when off in my head. Removed it and ever since she is fine.
our meller always freaks out when we walk thru the bathroom to give him/her/it a shower, guess that would be the cause of the huge mirror.

Silly chams not recognizing themselves
I don't know that I would call this a silly mistake or error. Different chams respond differently to reflections. My veiled doesn't give a crap. Eh least you were smart enough to figure it out on your own.
I made the same mistake. My rudis cage was next to glass for a few days and he was acting very strange. I could never figure out why, until I finally noticed he was staring at his reflection :p
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