I am so mad at myself... i live in california and it was nice and sunny out so i wanted my veiked chameleon to soak up sun! but he ran away in a really big bush that was about 10ft wide, after 2 hours of searching in the heat , i found her , i was so relieved so i took her inside and set her down in my room out side of my tank, (which i was selling because glass tanks are a no no and i ordered a new one ) i left to lift the tank outside to the buyer and when i came back the chameleon was gone, i broke down completley making the same stupid mistake . its been a day now and theres two possibiltys , one i left my window open but to climb up there would have been diffiuclt plus it would have had to jump out 6 ft to the floor , and 2 it was flexiable enought to fit thru the crack under the dooor and is somwhere in the house, i have throurlhly cleaned out my room and it isnt possible for it to be in there. i even mounted the uvb light and set up a little free range in the corner of my room to lure her to go there and she is still a no show . ive checked the bathroom and some closets and i still have no luck. i think theres nothing i can do now right . i tried so hard to be a good owner and take everyones advice on the fourm but i screwed up . any tips guys?