I feel terrible


Established Member
I am so mad at myself... i live in california and it was nice and sunny out so i wanted my veiked chameleon to soak up sun! but he ran away in a really big bush that was about 10ft wide, after 2 hours of searching in the heat , i found her , i was so relieved so i took her inside and set her down in my room out side of my tank, (which i was selling because glass tanks are a no no and i ordered a new one ) i left to lift the tank outside to the buyer and when i came back the chameleon was gone, i broke down completley making the same stupid mistake . its been a day now and theres two possibiltys , one i left my window open but to climb up there would have been diffiuclt plus it would have had to jump out 6 ft to the floor , and 2 it was flexiable enought to fit thru the crack under the dooor and is somwhere in the house, i have throurlhly cleaned out my room and it isnt possible for it to be in there. i even mounted the uvb light and set up a little free range in the corner of my room to lure her to go there and she is still a no show . ive checked the bathroom and some closets and i still have no luck. i think theres nothing i can do now right . i tried so hard to be a good owner and take everyones advice on the fourm but i screwed up . any tips guys?
Keep looking. They can be right in front of you and you can miss them. Look around floor lamps, window shades, behind tv's, under bed spreads (on the floor, not in bed...) Remember they can be very bright when sleeping so may be easier to spot. Don'the give up!
I am so mad at myself... i live in california and it was nice and sunny out so i wanted my veiked chameleon to soak up sun! but he ran away in a really big bush that was about 10ft wide, after 2 hours of searching in the heat , i found her , i was so relieved so i took her inside and set her down in my room out side of my tank, (which i was selling because glass tanks are a no no and i ordered a new one ) i left to lift the tank outside to the buyer and when i came back the chameleon was gone, i broke down completley making the same stupid mistake . its been a day now and theres two possibiltys , one i left my window open but to climb up there would have been diffiuclt plus it would have had to jump out 6 ft to the floor , and 2 it was flexiable enought to fit thru the crack under the dooor and is somwhere in the house, i have throurlhly cleaned out my room and it isnt possible for it to be in there. i even mounted the uvb light and set up a little free range in the corner of my room to lure her to go there and she is still a no show . ive checked the bathroom and some closets and i still have no luck. i think theres nothing i can do now right . i tried so hard to be a good owner and take everyones advice on the fourm but i screwed up . any tips guys?

The absolute best time to look for her is when the house is completely dark. She will roost and go lime green which makes her much easier to pick out. So go searching with a flashlight. They can get in the strangest places, but their instinct is to go up. So cords behind TV's, blinds, plumbing behind toilets, etc. Anywhere that is elevated is an option. I know how this feels and I would imagine I am not the only one here that is knowledgeable of an escapee hunt. Good luck.
Don't give up!
Places I have found my chameleon: The top ledge of my closet curled up with my books he used my hanging clothes to climb up to the top. Blended in with a bike (he was on the handle bars). Blended in with the things used for fire places. Behind the tv. On the couch (had been there the whole time i was looking for him).
The POINT is that often times especially if she/he is comfortable with you it is most likely that she's hiding right in front of you. Just be calm and very patient and I'm sure it'll turn up. Just go through your house with a flash light (if you're going to do the search at night thing) and try not to move anything around.

Again, don't give up! Best wishes!
It has happened to me once, not with a chameleon as much, my chameleons when they do escape do a very poor job of it and stay around the cage... I don't think they realize what escaping means. Doesn't bother me any since they don't worry me. I have had my Blue Tongue escape, which sucked for mom because I was gone for some reason at the time, and he is anti social with anyone but me, he would have bit her if she tried to pick him up so she coaxed him into a bucket. His cage has a sliding lid and apparently hadn't closed as much as I thought o_O I also have had a leo escape. She was gone for... 2-3 months. We found her in a box totally fine, she had just started conserving energy, and just a bit dehydrated. She got lots of water that day and then some silkworms and a big hornworm. She thought it was great. I also have had issues with hamsters... god... never get a hamster if you don't know how to catch them if they get loose. Half the time I have to build a hamster trap XD But honestly, do it at night, use a flash light. It's what people do in Hawaii to catch jacksons in the forests. I wish you so much luck with your baby girl. Don't give up.
Yes, it's a horrible feeling. The most important thing is not to give up, like everyone else said. A fresh pair of eyes is a good idea because it's so easy to overlook something. Anyone you can enlist to help will be a great idea.
I was looking for a monitor lizard for hours and was so frustrated I was about to give up. A friend came round and found him hiding in between two shirts that were hanging near a radiator. I am sure I checked them, but I wasn't thorough enough in my panic.
Good luck.
Definitely look at night. As mentioned, it'll be easier to spot it and the cham wont be so quick to move making capture easy. Just remember, it could be worse... I've had a tarantula escape while I was away for a few days. Took me a few days of searching each room thoroughly, one by one, before I found it. Then I had to catch it... That was fun with its flying fangs of fury every time I got close.
Definitely look at night. As mentioned, it'll be easier to spot it and the cham wont be so quick to move making capture easy. Just remember, it could be worse... I've had a tarantula escape while I was away for a few days. Took me a few days of searching each room thoroughly, one by one, before I found it. Then I had to catch it... That was fun with its flying fangs of fury every time I got close.

haha holy, how did you catch it?
its been 3 days now, ive torn the house back and no chameleon, i think he jumped out the window and if that was the case the deal would be sealed , my back yard is a jungle in itself . such a dumb foolish loss of me. ughhhh i might not be active on the fourms until i get another one !
its been 3 days now, ive torn the house back and no chameleon, i think he jumped out the window and if that was the case the deal would be sealed , my back yard is a jungle in itself . such a dumb foolish loss of me. ughhhh i might not be active on the fourms until i get another one !
My chameleon died 3 or 4 months ago. I do not have a chameleon, but I do help around. I was going to get a Bearded Dragon, but I think I may get another chameleon.
its been 3 days now, ive torn the house back and no chameleon, i think he jumped out the window and if that was the case the deal would be sealed , my back yard is a jungle in itself . such a dumb foolish loss of me. ughhhh i might not be active on the fourms until i get another one !

maybe he went back to that big bush you mentioned earlier if he did get out
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