I fixed the enclosure!!

hii, i got his proper uvb light and a new pothos plant today!! he started to drink the water on the pothos plant then started to eat it... is it okay that he took 2 really big bites out of the plant? also another question i bought a horn worm as a treat today and tried to feed it to him but he just got really scared of it. anyone know why?


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Great start but you need to take out the fake plants, especially now that you have seen him eat the pothos. This is fine btw for him to eat the pothos. The fake plants will cause impaction. As for the horn worm, did you hand feed it to him?It possible he was scared of you rather than the worm.
Your enclosure is looking so much better already! I'm glad you made those changes. Did you get supplements? A phosphorus free calcium and a multivitamin with D3?
You will want even more branches in there. I hear that a good way to add branches is to stick a thumbtack through the screen and into the branch ends! I always used fishing line until I invested in some dragon strand ledges. Have you heard of those? It makes it easier to hang your plants without tearing up the screen. You will want more pothos (or other plants) too. You want to make a jungle in there.
Again, you're doing a great job. The best part about this hobby is that you are constantly learning and changing things! Dont get discouraged and keep up the good work!!
yes i got the supplements today when i got his uvb light. he seems happier and it’s only been about a hour or two! i went out and looked for sticks i found 2 good ones so tomorrow i’m going to clean then and let them bake in the sun then put them in his cage!
He looks almost full grown doesn't he?🤔
That is not an xl enclosure. He looks around 6-8 months though. Still, big hornworms are a little intimidating to some chameleons. Otherwise I venture to guess he never saw one before?? Idk why he would be scared of it. I just know when my little man was about 6 months I put a horn in there that he thought was too big, and he hissed at it and ran away. Lol
That is not an xl enclosure. He looks around 6-8 months though. Still, big hornworms are a little intimidating to some chameleons. Otherwise I venture to guess he never saw one before?? Idk why he would be scared of it. I just know when my little man was about 6 months I put a horn in there that he thought was too big, and he hissed at it and ran away. Lol
😂that makes sense. Maybe try smaller ones @angelinave12
Hornworms get really big, it could be that the worm was too big for him to want??

It could be the size or it couldn't. They look weird so It might just be something he is confused about, also he might just not like them. Some won't eat certain bugs, it must be like how I won't eat lima beans, I just don't like them. My Cham absolutely loves hornworms and I almost killed him with one that was way too big, so be careful how big you let them get before feeding.
Your Cham looks great! He is about the same size as my Lando was when I got him. The guy told me he was over a year, which he was completely wrong, but more like 5 or 6 months because by 8 months they are usually full grown. Your enclosure looks good but more sticks and plants are needed. Here are some pictures of mine that can give you some ideas of how you can add more structure. Also a pic of this great picture hanging wire that works great as well that I got from Home Depot. I used fishing line on my first run of setting up his enclosure but it was kind of a pain to tie and hold what I was trying to tie in place but this stuff is like thin wire and holds the weight you need without tearing your screen. Also, make sure you really clean your branches you get from outside and sand off any sharp sections. You can keep rough areas as it will help with molting later but any sharp areas can injure him. You can also bake your branches in the oven at 220F for 2 hours if it's too cold, cloud,y or rainy outside. The only limitation for that option is the size of branch you want in the enclosure and the size of your oven, but I used the baking method for all of my branches and I was able to utilize the smaller size just fine.
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i have a question how far should my uvb light be from my cham?
That depends on a number of variables. I see you've gotten a "proper" UVB light.
  • Is that a T5 (⅝" dia) or a T8 (1" dia)?
  • What strength bulb—5.0 (6%) or 10.0 (12%)?
  • Does it have a reflector, and if so, what kind (silver or white)?
  • Is there anything between the bulb and the interior of the enclosure (e.g. screen)?
  • Reminder: UVB is blocked by glass or plastic.
The best way to tell for sure if a UVB bulb is functioning properly and where to place it is with a UV meter (e.g. Solarmeter 6.5). Some people guesstimate the distance, but IME they can be off by several inches. This is another reason for providing lighting gradients so the lizard can be where s/he needs or wants to be.
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