I get back from DDing my friends


New Member
I get back from the bar to find my chameleon sleeping on the side of his cage on the screen. So I think to myself that cant be comfortable. I reach in expecting a grumpy chameleon (Id be mad if someone picked me up when I was sleeping)but when I moved him to a branch he was so sleepy he didn't even really grab the branch. I felt bad but it was cute.
I get back from the bar to find my chameleon sleeping on the side of his cage on the screen. So I think to myself that cant be comfortable. I reach in expecting a grumpy chameleon (Id be mad if someone picked me up when I was sleeping)but when I moved him to a branch he was so sleepy he didn't even really grab the branch. I felt bad but it was cute.

I'd guess that if he was sleeping there then he must be comfortable? :confused:
I wouldn't sleep somewhere thats uncomfortable.
My guy will occasionally sleep on the sides of his enclosure. I find that he gets really stressed if I move him when he is sleeping so I try not to do it.
It seems like its uncomfortable, but the chose it. Most of the times they refuse to move of how sleepy they are :p Hahaha i bet he didn't like you moving him, im guessing :rolleyes: He probably wont remember it since he was so sleepy
If they can fall asleep like that then it must be comfortable for them. I would not disturb him after he is sleeping, especially to move him. jmo
he got up this morning like nothing happened but Im thinking about building a free range just so he cant sleep like that
he got up this morning like nothing happened but Im thinking about building a free range just so he cant sleep like that

Why don't you want him sleeping like that? He was probably quite happy with his choice of rest. If he wasn't comfortable, he wouldn't have chosen to sleep there. Surely its as simple as that?
Okay,,, you get a bonehead get out of jail card since you're new and had been drinking :rolleyes: It sounds like you're taking human standards and applying it to your cham (2 totally different things). Like everyone else says, he would not have fallen asleep if he wasn't comfortable. I've seen chameleons sleep with only one leg and tail holding something. It's the craziest thing but they know what's okay and not. You could do more damage by meddling. The freerange idea is a good one but for all other reasons except to control his slumber. JMO
I think the OP was actually the DD, and so big props for that. I have to agree with everyone else - just let sleeping chams lay (or hang, or dangle, or whatever else they decide to do!). Best of luck with him!

I think the OP was actually the DD, and so big props for that. I have to agree with everyone else - just let sleeping chams lay (or hang, or dangle, or whatever else they decide to do!). Best of luck with him!


Thanks for clearing that up for me. I assumed DD was drunk driving.:eek: I always assume the worst....
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I assumed DD was drunk driving.:eek: I always assume the worst....

I thought the exact same thing!! double :eek::eek: for me.. Sorry OP,,, seems like everything has an acronym nowadays and I didn't get it...
Now I'm just how bad it could be to move them when they are passed out like that? I could move my brother when he was a kid and he wouldn't even remember being moved. I wonder if its anything like that for a chameleon? If I ever have to take him to the vet I think this is the way Ill do it.
My veiled doesn't even know I'm moving him sometimes. He usually doesn't even open his eyes unless I move him more than a few branches length over.
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