I got 34 newborn jacksons running around!


New Member
Well ive been breeding jacksons for 6yrs and i just had 2 females give birth 4 days apart!!..and its not over yet..i got 2 more females that will be giving birth any day now!..soo wish me luck guys..all my babys are eatingannd drinking and are now over a week old..there doing great..ive been doing this for a while now and have only lost 6 babys out of more than a thousand in the last 6yrs notto bad huh..lol..well any input would be nice guys....later
Well ive been breeding jacksons for 6yrs and i just had 2 females give birth 4 days apart!!..and its not over yet..i got 2 more females that will be giving birth any day now!..soo wish me luck guys..all my babys are eatingannd drinking and are now over a week old..there doing great..ive been doing this for a while now and have only lost 6 babys out of more than a thousand in the last 6yrs notto bad huh..lol..well any input would be nice guys....later
hey im really looking for some nice homegrown jacksons please keep me in mind when you are ready to unload some pm me anytime
OK, I suggest if anyone posts a new thread about new hatchings and no pictures are included, that member should be banned and post deleted until pics are taken. (hahaha, no pressure pjackson!).
Well ive been breeding jacksons for 6yrs... ive been doing this for a while now and have only lost 6 babys out of more than a thousand in the last 6yrs notto bad huh..lol..well any input would be nice guys....later

Thousands eh? Tell us your secret to raising ovoviviparous specimens to adulthood.

Someone got a good link to the care of Jacksons? I know they are different then veileds and panthers.
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