I got bite!


New Member
So.....it had to happen and it's all my own fault!she warned me....back off...i don't want to come out!but no!i thought i knew better....well now i do....and DDDDDDAME.....it hurt:eek:!no blood but it left a mark for a good 20 min!serves me right......respect to Trixxi!:eek:
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You r lucky those steak knife like teeth didn't cause a slice for stitches. Be careful next time u might not be so lucky.
Yea..Witchy got Sancho and he had to get stitches. Leo got me on the chin.neck and i had a nice mark for awhile..Glad you are okay..but heed the chameleon warning!!
Why do most of us do that? Our chams tell us what they do or don't want but we go ahesd. All I can say is I am sorry you got bit but welcome to the club.:D
Ha ha ha! But at least you get off lightly! Dante has always threatened, but I think he knows I'm the boss so wouldn't dare! But yeah, heed the warnings in the future!
Ya i didnt heed the warning my 8 month female BB Ambilobe was telling me and she nabbed my thumb, it was a shockl to say the least, i let her be for a while after that ha ha ha eventually she came to say sorry and climbed on me. ;p
:D Hehe! Trixxie 1 - Ronnie 0!! I was lucky that Lily was so calm and placid. I can imagine that it might hurt somewhat!

It hurt a lot more than i thought it would!but by the sound of it i may have got away lightly!!I think my pride may have been a little more dented than the actual pain of the bite as i thought she may have trusted me enough not to bite me by now(silly me!)just goes to show.....know matter how cute she looks she can still let me know how pissed off she is!:rolleyes:i live....i learn!
So.....it had to happen and it's all my own fault!she warned me....back off...i don't want to come out!but no!i thought i knew better....well now i do....and DDDDDDAME.....it hurt:eek:!no blood but it left a mark for a good 20 min!serves me right......respect to Trixxi!:eek:

When a woman says "no", she means NO! :p
I realized chams can actually snap really fast to get a quick bite. When I had my female veiled, she was very sick, but still came close to biting me several times. They can move pretty fast when it comes to that. Anyone use any tricks to calm the cham down?
Pass on the pointers

I'm anxious to be the recipient of my first Cham, getting the goods ready and such, but a little wary of them jaws, I hear all the scary stories from other members, I'm sure all Chams aren't that bad, but some pointers on how NOT to get bitten are always nice. Any suggestions? :D
Krunko always acts like he's gonna bite me but when I put my finger close to his mouth he just closes it and tries to hide. He knows I'll slap him around a bit and knows what's up...haha j/k
No blood huh??? Sounds more like a "love peck" to me! :p

It wasn't a 'love peck' believe me!i never knew they could bite as hard as she did....saying that i still think it was only a warning!!a warning that i will heed next time!:eek:
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