I got my first panther! Any thoughts?

yes if a breeder gets mad, he is impatient and shouldn't be selling chameleons. Should provide good service before and after sales.
yeah it sucks but I can't blame this all on the breeder because I should have known what to look for. I have researched panthers and planned on getting one but wasn't expecting to get one that day so I didn't review and didn't even think to check out how to sex juveniles. I just thought it would be pretty obvious and that the breeder would be able to tell me the gender. I had also thought that Pam's Chams might be at the expo but she wasn't.

I am pretty attached to Sencha already and I planned on getting a female eventually so I guess I will just order a male now- I don't have a spare cage at the moment (but I can clean out my big stick insect cage and set it up because it is the same as the cage Sencha and my female Jacksons (Meru) is in) and it is inconvenient.

Any thoughts? I don't think the breeder would take her back anyway. He didn't sound like he would give a refund or even trade (she was apparently his last panther)

I feel awkward about the whole situation.:(
whats the title of this thread? My first panther cham? Well here is a chance to get another one! :p just trying to make you feel a little better.

Well, here goes nothing. I will soon be ordering a male from Kammer's Tsara-mandoko (Nice Paint) I need to get paid first so that I can get all of the necessary equipment and still afford...uh, bills. And food. Kind of important to keep myself in good health so that I can tend to the chams, right?

I have never ordered an animal through the mail. Any thoughts or opinions?

Also, isn't he gorgeous? http://chameleonsonly.com/tsara-mandoko.htm
He is nice!! Yes at first I didn't feel right ordering online, etc. You can't go wrong with the sponsors here. They have good reputation and the best is they won't be mad at you for asking lots of questions.
Hey Kenya dont feel to bad. My first panther was also supposed to be a male and turned out to be a female. Honestly I knew it from when I got her but she was my first so I doubted myself. I took pics and showed them to the seller. They admitted it was a girl and that she had so much color that they thought it was a male. She looked a lot like yours and yours is beautiful. About pure locale. Even if it is a redbarXbluebar ambilobe it is still a pure locale. There is so much variation in the ambilobe locales and some even think that that is where other locales seem to have gotten together in the same area and that is why there is so much variation. You can search the forum for mixing bars and see some of the conversations. Going back to the female. The breeder gave me a SLIGHT discount on another. Needless to say I wouldnt do buisness with them again but am still not displeased with the 2 beautiful panthers I got from them. Some people LIKE ME have to learn the hard way LOL. Dont be embarrassed ;)
Guys, thanks so much. I ordered my male and lots of supplies and am now once again a broke college girl with a zoo to feed :rolleyes: My new baby will be here after the second.

I wasn't sure about all ambilobes being one locale- it just made sense to me to mix blue with blue and red with red but as Kammers put it once, "if we never got the courage to mix red with blue we would never have gotten to experience purple" Of course they were talking about locale mixes rather than just red bar vs blue bar ambilobes, but hey, same principle I guess

Thanks for the encouraging words. I will for sure keep you all updated.

Also, one last thing: if any of you know much about livebearers, would you possibly mind checking my thread in the breeding section about my female Jacksons laying a slug yesterday? Thanks!!:D
I see why you would be upset.
But, Sencha is cute. :)
Do you decide to keep her?

Oh of course I am keeping her- it was never really an option for me to take her back, both for the breeders policy and because as I said, I am already very infatuated with her and I take getting an animal as a pretty serious commitment. I like her a lot and I couldn't imagine taking her back and having the possibility of her going to a terrible home, you know? I just didn't expect to be getting a female for another 9 months or so until my male grew up but now it is the other way around...but I can't make myself wait to order my male ;)

So, sort of two for the price of one! (figuratively; the price was most definitely over the price of one ;))
If you ever do breed and sell babies, just be sure to mention that you are unsure of the female's locale. Even if the dealer "thinks" (which just sounds like him guessing) it's a redxblue bar ambilobe, he isn't providing you with any proof. So the babies should be represented that way; as potential and probable mixes. Good luck though!
If you ever do breed and sell babies, just be sure to mention that you are unsure of the female's locale. Even if the dealer "thinks" (which just sounds like him guessing) it's a redxblue bar ambilobe, he isn't providing you with any proof. So the babies should be represented that way; as potential and probable mixes. Good luck though!

This is what I intended to do- would there be any way to check all the babies out and see if they breed true? Do you think anyone would help me if I posted photos of holdbacks?
Well, here goes nothing. I will soon be ordering a male from Kammer's Tsara-mandoko (Nice Paint) I need to get paid first so that I can get all of the necessary equipment and still afford...uh, bills. And food. Kind of important to keep myself in good health so that I can tend to the chams, right?

I have never ordered an animal through the mail. Any thoughts or opinions?

Also, isn't he gorgeous? http://chameleonsonly.com/tsara-mandoko.htm

He is gorgeous! I bought 3 of my 4 from the Kammers. I can assure you that you will have a great experience. They have even shipped Chameleons to Japan. So the mail thing is quite a normal practice for them. You will just have to be at home and it will be delivered by 10:30AM.
He is gorgeous! I bought 3 of my 4 from the Kammers. I can assure you that you will have a great experience. They have even shipped Chameleons to Japan. So the mail thing is quite a normal practice for them. You will just have to be at home and it will be delivered by 10:30AM.

I hope I will be home then! How long did it take for them to ship to you and where are you located? I want to try to figure out an approximate date for arrival because I work mornings and will need to ask for time off. They say on their site that they will start shipping on the 2nd.
hey kenya, that is def a girl, i have 4 females from the same clutch, check out my posts entilted ambilobe females

one of mine, cloud, is identical to yours, i have some pretty sweet pics so u can see how she'll turn out, i just bred her
Thanks, Dank. Cloud is gorgeous but MJ is actually what my girl looks like most of the time. I can only hope she becomes as bright as Cloud though!
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