I'm new to this site and HATE forums so sorry If I'm doing something wrong right now it's just this is an emergency. My chameleon needs to be taken out. He was perfect the first month with a nice set up but I think he caught a parasite because he got lethargic, then the next week his eyes got swollen on/off and he can't open his eyes anymore, he shrunk a little bit, his skin looks extremely wrinkly, his left eye looks dead and this morning I think it spread to his tounge. It's huge and deformed sticking out of his mouth and I need to kill him, I don't see him climbing or anything anymore he just lays there breathing. And he doesn't have the strength to chomp on a worm anymore, I have to squirt water in his mouth with a mini turkey baster. I'm NOT taking him to a vet. I've heard of the refigerator trick to get him to sleep then putting him in the freezer to finish him off, but I think that's a bit brutal. I've though about putting him in a paper bag and crushing him with a cinder block, or hammer to the head. Or should I just let him go naturally? (He's been semi-dead for two weeks now)