I hate Ants!


Established Member
Well this has been an ongoing battle at my house this summer and it is driving me nuts! Here in San Diego we have the perfect weather to brew the largest colonies of black ants possible. About a week ago i made the mistake of taking my cricket bin outside on my porch to let it air out. I left for about a hour ran a errand, came home and found that the hellacious ants were on a mission and had wiped out about 100 crickets. After cycling the crickets from one container to another for about 2 hours i finally sorted all the ants out. As with everything in life you learn as you go. So i noted to self "dont place any feeders outside", good lesson to learn. After endless attack's on the kitchen, bathroom's, dining room and bedrooms, I came home today to something which really pushed me over the edge. I keep my feeders in a Particular room in my house for them to stay cool and out of site, thinking they were safe here. I found out differently today that they were not. Going through my normal routine cleaning,misting and feeding. I went to the next step of feeding the feeders. I Come into the room and see a random ant. Thinking o crap there is the scout ant, must kill it. Well it was not a scout it was one of about a million after my crickets. I look around wondering how the heck they got and i see a 4 inch thick trail coming out of a phone jack about 3 feet away from the rubbermaid container's. After sighing from frustration, being the last thing i wanted to deal with after a "fun" day at work. I hastily removed the container from the house. Dropping the container outside and wiping 100 ants off my arms and shirt, i went back into the house filled 2 pots and started boiling water. 15 minutes later the water was boiling and i felt i could finally get revenge for them killing my 300 3/4 crickets. I poured the water joyfully all over the container watching them sizzle and scurry away. After another 30 minutes of cleaning and trashing all the egg carton paper towel rolls and feeder dishes, i started to mellow out.

Looking at the glass half full, They didn't get into my dubia which was on top of the crickets. Another nice thing was everything in the chameleon room was in good hands and nothing was bothering them. All in all its very frustrating and figured i could vent a little on here, sorry if it seems like i am crying.;)
I recently had ants try and take over my Dubia container. They had 3 trails going in and one coming out....:(

I have about 100-120 mixed Dubia in a 54qt tub with a screen lid. They came in through the screen and were all eatting a peanut butter sandwich that was in the tub. I am lucky they didn't get any of the raoches, and were there just to dine on the PB sandwich. I had to clean the tub real well and sort the mess out.

Why did Malicious have a PB sandwhich in with the roaches in the first place you ask...

I keep my roaches at my business in the warehouse, where it gets hot during the day and cold at night...It mimics the outdoors. The colony is still under construction and none will be fed off for a month or more. It's all I had at the time in the shop fridge.:eek: Some valuless creature got into the bag of dry dog food I had there...:rolleyes::mad:

BTW... there is a excellent ant killing product I posted in an old post, let me see if I can find it...

I have had the same problem when I used to keep crickets and now they have infiltrated my dog food. I HATE them. with a passion. mine are the little black ants too, or as my mom calls them "sugar ants". I found their main compound and its a pile of rock at the base of a tree on the side of my house. I just got done Raiding(the bug spray, not a covert op. haha) about a billion of them it seemed. This is going down in the ant history books as a Hiroshima or Nagasaki of the bug world for sure. Anyway, I feel your pain!
Thanks Jay, I will have to do a napalm attack on the 1 colony i know of with that stuff. They are just so irritating!
My house is in the middle of an ant infestation. Unfortunately the ants decided to attack the room where my chameleons are housed. Thankfully, they have not made it into the cages or soil (other than an occasional straggler). To prevent the colony from expanding and from getting to my cages, I purchased some raid ant baits. Almost immediately the ants swarmed the baits and after a few days I was beginning to notice a significant drop in the size of the colony and I begin to see less and less ants everyday.
Remember ants mark food with pheromones so you can be certain your containers are covered in them. The boiling water should have helped a bit but I would give them a thorough clean (maybe even with a bit of diluted bleach) so the little buggers don't find their way back.
most ant baits are some SERIOUSLY MESSED UP POISON (arsenic ect) , they carry it everywhere, remember to clean all area where the ants track poison around
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