I hate when he climbs himself

My dusting schedules seem up to par. Phos free Ca no D3 daily (not Every cricket but most) Ca w/ d3 and multi vit w beta carotene both twice a month alternating weeks. 5.0 UVB tube. straight looking limbs. He seems healthy but he does grab his own limbs some also. Im having a fecal done currently. $115.
How close is your powersun from his basking perch? I use MVB as well but it seems he might be getting too much UVB and that can make them act weird.
Tanzy fell today!

We were just talking about this last night and today when i got up Tanz was up climbing on the roof of his enclosure. He has done this the entire time i have had him and some people say they grow out of it. Anyway he grabbed his front leg with his back and then with his other back so he was hanging by one arm and lost his grip. my heart jumped. He landed on his ficus and pulled himself right up and full speed climbed to his basking perch. He seems fine now.
i learned that calcium every will help him with his strength and build strong bones. humans need calcium to help build strong bones so does your cham that could be the problem. that could be the problem? but remind you can always go to the vet.
Boy I don't know here. All of my Chams have done that on occasion. They just grab for anything and occasionally get one of their own legs. Usually if they are at the end of some flimsy branch or something and not very often, but I have seen it. I'm not sure I would consider it a sign of low calcium though having good "grippy" things to climb on is always good and needed.
dowels are generally really smooth and will regardless, be hard for the cham to grip on. it is normal for them to use their limbs for extra strength and support. when their tails are occupied all they have are their hands until their able to get to the branch. i noticed that rubber wire was brought up, that would work well for extra branches and better grip for sure. if it's not a suppliment problem, than you will rarely see this if you put something different for vines
I sort of have a theory that if a behavior is concerning enough that someone posts about it, it's probably a good idea to visit the vet because obviously, something is tickling the owner's brain.

I agree that lacking proper climbing material can lead to limb grabbing. That's why I suggested using the repti-clip soft tie material. I think the OP should set up a network of climbable "vines" using that which will let the animal traverse the cage completely (top to bottom, side to side). If limb grabbing persists after that, then I definitely think a vet visit is in order. I currently have 2 little ones in cages with dense pothos plants for climbing...I've never seen either grab it's own limb.
I sort of have a theory that if a behavior is concerning enough that someone posts about it, it's probably a good idea to visit the vet because obviously, something is tickling the owner's brain.
Hmmm, would be very expensive for some of the noobs though.......I know what you mean, of course - if the owner 'hates' it then the cham. probably has some sort of issue. I know I hated it when my previous cham grabbed her own legs and fell over........
In this case I totally agree, having a vet checkover seems well worth it.
Well, I'm assuming some reading on the boards that generates the feeling of "is this wrong?"

I just know that the one animal I had who was grabbing his legs was seriously dehydrated. I'd managed to miss that. Once I learned to look at the poop (thanks to this board) and recognized the problem, I concentrated on getting him water and he lived for quite some time (over a year) after that. He stopped grabbing his limbs right about the time his poop started to look right.
Well, I'm assuming some reading on the boards that generates the feeling of "is this wrong?"

Ok, assuming the op has done some reading............it's not dehydration this time..........we just can't ever be 100% sure, so have to go by feel on these ones.......Let's agree to agree and recommend the Vet again...:)

Okay, I dont think he/she hurting themselve as long they can keep moving in right direction where they want

Your s same as mine, Here is the pix of my Smiley: born with his left broken arm. Sometime he does grab his broken arm from his feet and thought it was a branch but end up not. Everytime he grab it by mistake, I dont think he ll realized it till he try moving and seem not working then try another way...and another way till he let go then going where he wanna yea

other than tha, i believe its fine, as long it didnt happen all the time.



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