I have lost my old man, Camo


New Member
RIP My beloved Camo. You were the best chameleon a Chameleon Mom could ever hope for. I love you big guy....and miss you terribly. xx



Camo when I first got him at 14 months


Such sad, sad news. Camo was so handsome and it's always hard to have to say good buy to a special friend. I know he will live on in your heart forever. You have my most sincere condolences.
Part of Camo will live on in your heart. It is so hard to have to say good bye, but remember the good times and that you gave him a good life. RIP Camo.
He was such a sweet boy and you took very good care of him . I often said he reminded me of Emeril. My deepest heart felt condolences as the loss of these guys leaves such a gaping hole
This is the one thread that I stay away from, it is just so sad and hurts my heart so bad to hear the sad news of one of our special pets die......I am so very sorry for your loss of Camo, I know he was so special to you, my heart goes out to you.
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