I Love Days Like This!


Retired Moderator
This clutch had 1 pipped egg when I checked it yesterday. Today there were 11 babies out and one more pipped egg! Looks like I even got a bunch of females, finally!

He was marking the males and females....Kent is so good at sexing, he can do it before they hatch. :D:D:D

Hahaha. Yup, exactly! :D Actually, I'm not sure what the red is. A number of the shells from the same female (2 clutches) have turned red like that some time after the eggs hatched. Guess I could start removing the old shells....
Hahaha. Yup, exactly! :D Actually, I'm not sure what the red is. A number of the shells from the same female (2 clutches) have turned red like that some time after the eggs hatched. Guess I could start removing the old shells....
That's really weird.. If someone does know, I'd love to hear! It's intriguing... :p
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