I love this band

Holy:eek: Did you see how many people are there to see that monstrosity??? Looked and sounded like a bunch of monkeys on acid jumping around on stage beating their instruments. The "front man" has horrid technique on the guitar and I have no clue why you would need all these extras beating on one thing. They are just eating up the paycheck. The "drummer" is not doing anything at all. He/she should be able to compensate for the rest of the percussion.

This just goes to show you need absolutely no musical talent at all today. Its sad that these are the people making money from playing "music" while true musicians are under appreciated.

This is just my opinion. Take it lightly:) Please enjoy what makes you happy. That is what life is about;)

Lol Cains! Everyone has there own opinion on music of course. :) It's always taking a risk posting music on forums. Thanks for the responses both of you. That guy (Don Ross) is an amazing guitarist, no doubt about it.

You might not like Arcade Fire, but it seems a lot of people do. Just about every rock critic has called their first album one of the top ten albums of this decade, and they've gotten props from David Bowie, Springsteen, David Byrne and others. They create an amazing emotional, honest live show that really unite people. I'd never felt the way I did when I saw them. Blew my mind, and I've seen a lot of rock shows.

They also did the trailer for Where the Wild things ARe which I thought was gorgeous: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NOkQ4dYVaM
He is decent. More of a Blake Schwarzenbach over him tho. Ive been trying to download all the mountain goats albums, eps, and tapes. I have like 49 of the 54 or so.
Nice. I just recently got into them from another forum I hang out at. There's alot of big Mountain Goats fans there. I think they just toured not to long ago, or are still on tour? Not sure, but everything I've heard from them, I really dig.
Yea I missed a few of thier shows because of school. If you like the mountain goats you should check out Chuck Ragan, rumbleseat, saw wheel, This is my fist (acoustic), and the weakerthans.
Holy:eek: Did you see how many people are there to see that monstrosity??? Looked and sounded like a bunch of monkeys on acid jumping around on stage beating their instruments. The "front man" has horrid technique on the guitar and I have no clue why you would need all these extras beating on one thing. They are just eating up the paycheck. The "drummer" is not doing anything at all. He/she should be able to compensate for the rest of the percussion.

This just goes to show you need absolutely no musical talent at all today. Its sad that these are the people making money from playing "music" while true musicians are under appreciated.

This is just my opinion. Take it lightly:) Please enjoy what makes you happy. That is what life is about;)


Holy:eek: Did you see how many people are there to see that monstrosity??? Looked and sounded like a bunch of monkeys on acid jumping around on stage beating their instruments. The "front man" has horrid technique on the guitar and I have no clue why you would need all these extras beating on one thing. They are just eating up the paycheck. The "drummer" is not doing anything at all. He/she should be able to compensate for the rest of the percussion.

This just goes to show you need absolutely no musical talent at all today. Its sad that these are the people making money from playing "music" while true musicians are under appreciated.

This is just my opinion. Take it lightly:) Please enjoy what makes you happy. That is what life is about;)


LMAO a bit harsh but I'd have to agree, there's really nothing " new " about that band but look at the positive side it seems they have stuck with it for four years at least lol.
LMAO a bit harsh but I'd have to agree, there's really nothing " new " about that band but look at the positive side it seems they have stuck with it for four years at least lol.

Hehehehe:rolleyes: I can be a bit of a music snob:eek:

Kwelp, you said. "You might not like Arcade Fire, but it seems a lot of people do. Just about every rock critic has called their first album one of the top ten albums of this decade, and they've gotten props from David Bowie, Springsteen, David Byrne and others. They create an amazing emotional, honest live show that really unite people. I'd never felt the way I did when I saw them. Blew my mind, and I've seen a lot of rock shows."

Just to make you not think I am a complete "your word of choice". That is what it takes to sell and obviously they are doing a good job at it. The funny thing is that while they are out doing what they do making money having fun I am sitting here writing heavy metal bitching and complaining about it:) Maybe its time to start writing top 40 BS songs and play metal on the side? I guess sometimes you have to eat your pride:rolleyes:

Anyway, here you go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjKEHL9XJKE&feature=related I listen to quite a bit of music but here is what is usually playing and also somewhat of the style of guitar I play. I am sure this "Satanic crap":rolleyes: can be easily bashed more than most styles.

I do like some David Bowie among lots of other classic rockers:)
No worries hommie, I can be somewhat of a music snob myself, lol. I thought you might dig Bowie. Hey, Arsis sound pretty good. I mostly grew up on my parents stuff, Beatles, Floyd, Dylan, stuff like that, and then got really into punk in my younger teens. I can usually appreciate most music. You gotta' be one helluva guitar to play metal, so that's awesome that you play man. Please don't play top 50 BS, and keep up with what you're doing. It does suck sometimes to see the condition of music. My dad plays bluegrass, and of course you hardly hear it, or hear about it, but the musicians in it are amazing, but he does it because he loves it. You'd probably hate it if you started playing top 50.
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