I met somebody at the Supershow today!


New Member
I just got back from the Super Show in Pomona CA.

I was waiting to speak with the owners of Amazing Blue Reptiles when I overheard a discussion about items to feed a panther. I had just purchased some discoids so I pulled them out of my purse and said, "These are nice treats". After a brief discussion this man asks if I ever go to chameleon forums. I'm addicted to info on the internet so "yes, I visit a few". He then proceeded to introduce himself as none other than Dave Weldon. Yes the very man from this forum.

I usually lurk, learning by reading other people posts...but I knew who Dave was...he's everywhere in this forum.

Nice meeting you Dave,
Your very lucky to have met dave, he is a great guy. maybe he might make his way to one of the AZ shows one day. he seems like he would be a terrific guy to meet.
Howdy Debbie,

Funny how chameleon people run into each other :). Whenever I hear chameleons being talked about I often ask if they post on the ChameleonForums :). Great to meet you too! I also ran into another dozen or so keepers from the forum at the show today. I even got a phone call while I was there by a keeper who spotted me on Tiki-Tiki's live webcam :eek:.
Yes i agree,not to brown nose to much but dave is a true asset to this forum the man is just a foutain of knowledge ! THANKS DAVE FOR ALL THE INFORMATIVE POSTS KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK:D
I also ran into Linda Davison, author of "Chameleons - Their Care and Breeding". I used to work for her when she was in the importing/breeding business in 1994. Now there's another fountian of information. Hope she comes back into the chameleon world.

I love being a small fish swimming in the pond with so many big fish...

I continue to learn from this site. It's an amazing community. I guess I just need a bit of a shove to start posting though :D :D

Howdy Debbie,

Funny how chameleon people run into each other :). Whenever I hear chameleons being talked about I often ask if they post on the ChameleonForums :). Great to meet you too! I also ran into another dozen or so keepers from the forum at the show today. I even got a phone call while I was there by a keeper who spotted me on Tiki-Tiki's live webcam :eek:.

Sorry, I got excited! LOL :)

Today I carpooled with Joe to the show. We had a great time. I heard that today was the slower day of the two, but it was very crowded. The advertising seemed to be excellent for this event. The fact that there was a tattoo convention next door had to help a little bit!


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II continue to learn from this site. It's an amazing community. I guess I just need a bit of a shove to start posting though :D :D

Shove Shove :)
I too find this a great forum. I have learned a great deal here. Everyone's thoughts, whether or not I agree with them, add to the experience. Sounds like you have experience and knowledge to add - so keep posting! :)
I also ran into Linda Davison, author of "Chameleons - Their Care and Breeding". I used to work for her when she was in the importing/breeding business in 1994. Now there's another fountian of information. Hope she comes back into the chameleon world.

I missed them at the show! Where were they?
Linda had a booth to the side of Tiki's booth with voodoo zombie artwork stuff. She's a great person who I've known for quite a while. When I first met them, her daughter that was there today was in diapers. :eek:

@Debmonster: I wish I'd met you also, I was working with Mike at the FLChams booth. I imagine you remember the names John Uhern and Reptile Specialties? (For those who dont, Reptile Specialties was one of the places importing all the rare species of chameleons from Madagascar back in the early '90s before the CITES suspension) He actually recognized me as an old customer from expos back in the day. These things are fun, but man, they really remind you of how much time has passed! I told Linda about it and she seemed just as surprised as I had been, haha.

All in all, a real fun show. Can't wait for June in San Diego. Ramy really knows how to promote these things.
Linda had a booth to the side of Tiki's booth with voodoo zombie artwork stuff. She's a great person who I've known for quite a while. When I first met them, her daughter that was there today was in diapers. :eek:

Wow, I'm blind! I was admiring their goods. I guess I didn't recognize her. Well, I did have a pretty bad headache distracting me towards the end of the show.

It was nice meeting you Kent. :)
@Debmonster: I wish I'd met you also, I was working with Mike at the FLChams booth. I imagine you remember the names John Uhern and Reptile Specialties? (For those who don't, Reptile Specialties was one of the places importing all the rare species of chameleons from Madagascar back in the early '90s before the CITES suspension) He actually recognized me as an old customer from expos back in the day. These things are fun, but man, they really remind you of how much time has passed! I told Linda about it and she seemed just as surprised as I had been, haha.

I remember Reptile Specialties! Back in the day huh;) I've also purchased chams from FLChams (via the internet) Maybe we'll meet at the San Diego show...I won't be a vendor yet...not until year 2 of my new business...but I'll be definitely be attending!

I'm finally starting to pursue my dream of a small chameleon breeding business so talking with Linda was really helpful... she was very successful in all of her chameleon endeavors.

I've ran 3 businesses successfully over the last 10 years - none of them totally engaged me because I was always "sidetracked" with caring for my Jacksons (and my horse). I AM SO EXCITED! You should see my business start-up spreadsheet...I've been working on it for about 30 hours straight (almost:D)

Can you tell I'm excited!:) My hunt for a breeding pair of Ambilobes will start in 1 1/2 months..that's when all of the start-up money will be saved. WOO HOO.
The show was super fun. I wish I could have been there Saturday to meet more of you but I was busy going to Disneyland :D It was good seeing the people I did see though. If I ever go that way again were gonna have to plan more outings though, I'd love to see more of LA, this was my first real trip there and I pretty much just saw Disney and the Reptile show. Ryan needs to make his house into a walk through reptile zoo, thatd be fun!
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