I need help with my humidity!!!


New Member
I have a small exo terra glass terrarium for a female baby veiled chameleon, it has the mesh like lid on top and while i can get the temperature perfect in the tank and keep it there my humidity is way low and i don't know what to do. I can not get the humidity above 40% :( Please help! I have had her about 4 days now and i don't know what to do. I have a zoo med repti fogger that i have to keep on non stop to get the humidity just where it is. I also mist her plants, i have a lot of artificial plants in there right now.


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I agree with the live plant (pothos and schefflera are good options).

Also I would double check what you are using to measure the humidity with and maybe compare it with something else. With a glass cage and fogger going that seems low.
Craig90 has a very good point, I use a extra tall Exo Tera with no fogger and my humidity is good, defo try a real plant to see if that improves it at all.
I have a small exo terra glass terrarium for a female baby veiled chameleon, it has the mesh like lid on top and while i can get the temperature perfect in the tank and keep it there my humidity is way low and i don't know what to do. I can not get the humidity above 40% :( Please help! I have had her about 4 days now and i don't know what to do. I have a zoo med repti fogger that i have to keep on non stop to get the humidity just where it is. I also mist her plants, i have a lot of artificial plants in there right now.

Hi i use the same viv at the moment for my baby panther and can get it up in the 80s after i mist it
are you just using a fogger if so try using a spray bottle 3/4 times a day if your already doing this is your hygrometer working
What is the temperature where you are taking humidity readings? Are you taking them in the basking spot or somewhere else in the enclosure? Relative humidity is "relative" to the temperature; so basking spot humidity at 80 degrees would be less than a cooler location.
Thanks everyone. I have a Grreat Choice thermometer and hygrometer two in one on the left corner, i figured because the tank is so small i wouldn't need to put my other thermometer/hygrometer in it. My boyfriend wants to get an electronic meter, he thinks ours isn't working. I have the thermometer/hygrometer in the left hand corner, its out of the direct heat.

I do mist the tank regularly, my fogger also floods the tank and i have to sponge it out twice a day. This is not her permanent tank, i have never had a chameleon this small before that is why she is in this.

I definitely will try looking for a real plant.
I even put a large humidifier in the room and have it running constantly i know its probably not helping but i was running out of ideas
I would suggest that your humidity gauge is off. That seems like a ton of water being thrown into the air to only get a 40. Do you live in the desert?
I guess ill be making a trip to the pet store for a different one, thanks everyone! And no im in Central Pennsylvania
I love this website, i have been on it nonstop for the last few days. This is my first time with a female chameleon and i'm nervous, so i'll probably be on a lot! Everyone is so helpful
I just spent $200 on a dehydrated veiled and my vet lecturing at me that the humidity needs to be around 80%, i've been anal know about it since my poor guy didn't make it. The darn meter now is at 30%. What is my humidity supposed to be?
The paper my vet gave me said a veiled chameleon's humidity needs to be at 70-80%, but then again this vet doesn't know much about apparently. I posted on another forum that he was telling me the black markings on his head means he was sick.
I just spent $200 on a dehydrated veiled and my vet lecturing at me that the humidity needs to be around 80%, i've been anal know about it since my poor guy didn't make it. The darn meter now is at 30%. What is my humidity supposed to be?

Keep in mind that humidity and dehydration are two different problems. Do you have a dripper system? That would both increase the humidity and make sure your chameleon has constant water. Whatever you do don't cover the top of the cage you need the ventilation more than the humidity.
The paper my vet gave me said a veiled chameleon's humidity needs to be at 70-80%, but then again this vet doesn't know much about apparently. I posted on another forum that he was telling me the black markings on his head means he was sick.

hi there

the humidity should only peak and not be constant.letting it drop to 50% before re-misting..
you dont want them living in a damp enviroment.

I would suggest that your humidity gauge is off. That seems like a ton of water being thrown into the air to only get a 40. Do you live in the desert?

i agree seems like theres a lot of water going in to the enclosure.

most hygrometers are not accurate.many people say digital are better but many people calibrate there dials ones and have success with them.digital does not mean accurate.mines not accurate but its a kind of guide but i dont use it anymore.

imo if you make sure you have lots of live plants,mist 3/4 times a day,make sure its fully dry before remisting.you see her drinking,her urates are white and she look hydrated then dont worry about the hygrometer reading.

if your hygrometer is wrong and you are over doing it and the humidity is actually constantly high then it could lead to a respiratory infection.

goodluck x
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I guess ill be making a trip to the pet store for a different one, thanks everyone! And no im in Central Pennsylvania
I love this website, i have been on it nonstop for the last few days. This is my first time with a female chameleon and i'm nervous, so i'll probably be on a lot! Everyone is so helpful

According to the statistics (http://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Pennsylvania/humidity-annual.php) the ambient humidity is in the high 60's low 70's. I would stop trying to raise the humidity, it is high enough already. Any higher and your desert chameleon will probably get a respiratory infection. I would set up an auto drip system and mist occasionally. This will solve the hydration problem.
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