i need help

this message is for Dodolah "Senior member" the pictures you sent it was the blue bulb that was round not the longer looking one.. and the cages you sent the picture of the first terraium is the exact same cages that we have for both our chams.. i thought this cage would be better because were only in a 1 bedroom appartment and the air conditioner is in the living room where we keep our chams and i thought those all screen caged one would cause too much cool air drifts.. instead of the cages that we have which is all glass beside the top is all glass and has a ventilator in the front to let ventilation through the cage.. now which cage would be better.. cuz we were told our cages were perfect from like 3 other experienced people
instead of the cages that we have which is all glass beside the top is all glass and has a ventilator in the front to let ventilation through the cage.. now which cage would be better.. cuz we were told our cages were perfect from like 3 other experienced people

sorry gotta ask something, is this ventilator on the front those little holes below the doors? who were these 3 "experienced" people who told you these were perfect?

Truthfully the only experienced people i have found anywhere are on this forum, props to all senior members, and i have been to quite a few pet stores and so called reptile specialist stores. The screen cages are better, the more airflow the better, if you think it may get to cold buy some basking lamps.
the first person was at a pet store granted i know they lie to get their merchandise sold, the second was a guy was a friend who use to have chams and breed chams and he said he had the same exact cage and they were just fine never problems, the third person was at a reptile expo and said the cages were perfect to house them with only one cham living in it..
ok i got a question since you were telling me the cages we have are no good me and my boyfriend are going to build our own screen cage.. now what kind of screen is best is it just like regular screen like for windows or is their a special kind of screen they use??
i thought this cage would be better because were only in a 1 bedroom appartment and the air conditioner is in the living room where we keep our chams and i thought those all screen caged one would cause too much cool air drifts.. instead of the cages that we have which is all glass beside the top is all glass and has a ventilator in the front to let ventilation through the cage.. now which cage would be better.. cuz we were told our cages were perfect from like 3 other experienced people

I agree with the fact that you should not let the AC breeze directly into the cage.
Is there any way to put the screen cage out of that breeze?

As far as the 3 other experienced people goes, try this link:

Read #5.
I'm sure there are other members here that are far more experienced with Jackson than me that will be able to chime in.

But, I think the best proof that you can really rely on is the fact that your jackson might have URI now (upper respiratory infection) -thick saliva and opening of the mouth.

I also think depending on the severity, you should take him to the vet and purchase the screen enclosure asap, since it wasn't that expensive. And, perhaps, if possible, return the glass cage to the store.
As far as screen goes, many prefer aluminum screen.

Kinyonga brought up a wonderful point, do you have substrate on the bottom of the cage?
ok i got a question since you were telling me the cages we have are no good me and my boyfriend are going to build our own screen cage.. now what kind of screen is best is it just like regular screen like for windows or is their a special kind of screen they use??

you can use pretty much any window screen, aluminum is best because feeders cant chew threw it like fiberglass. i currently am making my own enclosure and believe me if you go this route take your time, because you want it to be safe for your cham. there are plenty of DIY threads on here just use the search.
ok well she made it for today's vet appointment.. they said that she doesnt have a URI that she has a sinus infection.. and was put on 3 different meds.. how weird
no we explained the terrerium and they didnt say we did anything wrong that just to change our UV bulb to a UVB bulb.. they said our temps is just right the vent flow is good.. just not to mist as often as we do and buy the uvb bulb
Did you take your chameleon to a vet that deals with chameleons??
The vet may be telling you your caging is fine out of lack of experience with these animals.
I've passed this experience on before, but my first chameleon was having eye troubles, we took her to a vet who told us it was sinusitus. Gave us meds. Turned out that the "sinus infection", which the vet said was no big deal (and out of MY lack of experience, I believed her) was a URI which killed her.

A glass terrarium is not satisfactory for most chameleons, including Jackson's, really, especially Jackson's which need LOTS of air flow and cooler temps. You should try to find a way to keep the cage out of the breeze of the AC, even if you have to put up some sort of a barrier, a towel anything. Just please, for the sake of your investment in that chameleon if nothing else, get it out of the glass. No matter what your friends and the vet say.
I'm with Kat , Please get that Cham out of the Glass terrarium

Did you take your chameleon to a vet that deals with chameleons??
The vet may be telling you your caging is fine out of lack of experience with these animals.
I've passed this experience on before, but my first chameleon was having eye troubles, we took her to a vet who told us it was sinusitus. Gave us meds. Turned out that the "sinus infection", which the vet said was no big deal (and out of MY lack of experience, I believed her) was a URI which killed her.

A glass terrarium is not satisfactory for most chameleons, including Jackson's, really, especially Jackson's which need LOTS of air flow and cooler temps. You should try to find a way to keep the cage out of the breeze of the AC, even if you have to put up some sort of a barrier, a towel anything. Just please, for the sake of your investment in that chameleon if nothing else, get it out of the glass. No matter what your friends and the vet say.
Not only do the glass terrariums raise temps, they breed bacteria. My chams like to climb and the screening is another place to climb for them. It also helps evaporate the mist.
Thanks Ryan!

I think I may have forgotten to mention that the conditions inside a glass enclosure like that are prime for URIs in most arboreal chameleons. Which is the reason for all of the urgency. Healthy chameleons kept in proper conditions do not get URIs or sinus infections. :(
I will speak from experience please do not use the terrarium. I had a Jackson's that I bought from a pet store along with basically the same setup as you have. I bought him 2 and a half months ago and he died last Sunday. The vet said that it was heart failure but he had been dealing with what was basically the exact same problem that yours is having now. His symptoms I noticed starting the previous Sunday. I blame me for his death and the setup I bought for him and that they had been keeping him in. I wish that I had came here before I had purchased everything wrong.

His eye had swollen up. He ate just like he did before, drank just like he did before. Sunday I had noticed blood in his mouth and his fecal matter. I rushed him to the emergency vet but it was too late. I had made an appointment for him on Monday on the previous Monday.

I don't mean to scared you, but I don't want anyone else to go through this.
I will speak from experience please do not use the terrarium. I had a Jackson's that I bought from a pet store along with basically the same setup as you have. I bought him 2 and a half months ago and he died last Sunday. The vet said that it was heart failure but he had been dealing with what was basically the exact same problem that yours is having now. His symptoms I noticed starting the previous Sunday. I blame me for his death and the setup I bought for him and that they had been keeping him in. I wish that I had came here before I had purchased everything wrong.

His eye had swollen up. He ate just like he did before, drank just like he did before. Sunday I had noticed blood in his mouth and his fecal matter. I rushed him to the emergency vet but it was too late. I had made an appointment for him on Monday on the previous Monday.

I don't mean to scared you, but I don't want anyone else to go through this.

Thank you for posting your experience, and I'm so glad you came back!

Cham420: Sadly Frisbee's experience is not unusual, as you can tell. Please heed the warnings. Your little Jackson's cannot afford for you to be stubborn....:(
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