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Ok, so tomorrow, I'm getting the stupid Gardasil vaccine. It allegedly proven to prevent HPV and cervical cancer. I've been doing a lot of research on it and found that these vaccines are a little hazy. In the commercials (released a few years ago) the spokes person mentions that the vaccine prevents cervical cancer, but in this article, the developer of the vaccines states that the vaccine will not prevent cervical cancer . CNN even did a section on the vaccine in which the spokes person says that there are many side affects to this vaccine (and I agree, already having two of the three injected
). The vaccine hurts like no other that I've had. I felt so weak for like a week. It's not a pleasant experience. . This was released in 2008. It's 2012 and people are still complaining about the side effects. Many vaccines are dangerous, as well as beneficial. My friend's cousin died as an infant because the doctors gave him shots too early. Yes, there could have been a birth defect of the child, but that doesn't stop the fact that many vaccines are poisons. Here's another video warning people again about Gardasil this one is the most interesting I found. I think one of the most important thing for me when it comes to this vaccine is that young girls are going to think they are unstoppable against the HPV and cervical cancer. This is false. As stated in the previous video, the vaccine only protects from 4/18 HPVs. It gives a sense of "security", when the truth is that it really doesn't! Now since many people have this vaccine, they're going to think they are totally immune to this virus, when even in the commercial there is a clear sign that says "Gardasil may not fully protect everyone". Anyway, I was raised better than to go off with anyone. My mother clearly does not know me if she thinks I need this shot. Maybe some girls aren't raised like me, but there is something called getting checked once in a while at the doctors because you never know. Even people that are vaccinated with everything on the counter need to get checked. I think it's better than to go take that last shot. My mom says I am an ignorant for believing this, but it is the truth. I asked her if she had read any information and she said yes. I don't believe her. She probably read it off the Merck website, which is obviously going to promote the vaccine. I think she is the ignorant one, along with the people that don't do research! It really bothers me. Besides, cervical cancer is not one of the largest leading cause of death. If they want to make a good vaccine, make one from the leading causes of death. These are just my words. I am only 15 and need opinions. Thank you!