I need y'alls help


Hey y'all,

I'm sorry that I've been kind of sportatic the last few months. I have been working on starting my own hospital in South Charlotte, NC. I wasn't ready to tell my staff, as since I have a few clients on this forum, I'd kept it quiet until now.

The name of the hospital is Dilworth Animal Hospital.
The web address is http://www.dilworthanimalhospital.com

I've signed up with the various search engines, but I also know that popularity of the site and links to that site are essential to moving up the menu. So, I was wondering if anyone would
1) visit my homepage
2) if anyone would like to write a review of me on any of the herp sites (hopefully positive) I would appreciate it
3) If anyone would like to link to me from a site I'd appreciate that too.

If any of you have actually come to see me, a review on any of the city sites like CitySearch that would really help me out.

Thanks y'all
Thought I'd let you know...I checked out the site and your link to the chameleon article says "has been removed". Must be exciting...best of luck!:)
Congratulations, Matthew! The site is very nice - clean, easy to navigate. The building/practice is neat, fits right into the neighborhood. Btw, does your wife mind not having her bio in BOLD letters? :p

too bad that ChamNews did not update all their article links when they changed the format of the magazine. the link is here http://www.chameleonnews.com/?page=article&id=102 and should be an easy fix for you.

Best of luck, I am sure you will be a great success :D
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Very nice site, and a very handsome Craftsman home to house your office, too. (We're into architecture.)

We will link to you from our website and visit your site.

We appreciate what you do for the members of this forum!
Ya'll will probably help him out more by going to the search engine, and typing in "Dilworth animal hospital" and finding it that way. The search engines key in on how many people select the site after a search.
Y'all rock!!!

Thanks for all your help so far.

I appreciate the links and will try to fix the link to the calcium article presently.

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