I swear this is getting a bit out there...


Avid Member
I was out and about today and I saw a pair of Jackson Chameleons out at my favorite local hobby shop (pet store, but I go there too damn often to consider it anything less then a hobby shop). They just got them in.. I loved the boy... ended up buying him!

He is now resting in his new spot away from the others just to make sure no spread of this or that, and of course I have a few pics!


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WOW! he is beautiful
i would have bought him too :)

Congrats haha! i cant wait to get my second :p crazy hobby gets you hooked! :D
i love my 2 Veileds but there is just something absolutley amazing about the Jacksons. maybe because it makes me imagine a little of the dinosaur period, and what it must have been like. something so tricerotops about them.

i have already warned my wife, that a Jackson is in my future! i think i recall a little rolling of the eyes. :rolleyes:

congrats to you, and to the little guy.
He was a bit dehydrated when we got him, eyes sunk in just a bit, but as soon as Dav and I got him home, we had him on our free range plant (which I misted for him) so we could build his tank and he started drinking off it immediately, so we have high hopes for this little boy, but we had to leave the poor possibly gravid female there... we don't have anything that would let us take care of her babies if she had any...
A little joke while we were bringin' him home....

Hun, doesn't he look like a triceratops?

Well... I guess if you shrunk Sarah and painted her green, yes.


Sarah, you know... Land Before Time?

Figured it would make someone laugh, it is a moment you have to be there for to really get the full brunt. Thanks for the comments on him! Yeah, I did get lucky but then again there is a reason why I purchase from this specific shop. Still isn't 100 % perfect, but when you find something right or brand new in the store? You get lucky. I would have to say, they have quite a few chams, just none other than the little guy and the female that I would have purchased. We laugh, because in the end we care more about our reptiles then ourselves at some point. I honestly think crack is less addictive, at least in a case of how badly I am addicted to my kids.
Congrats on the new addition :).........I intend to get me a Jacksons at some point too - they were always my favourite dinosaur.......
Again, thanks! They really are cute! Hopefully we get the female soon...

Oh... more pictures!

There is one showing off his yellows then another in his cage.... such a photogenic little boy!


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