I think he hates water?


New Member
Hi there for those who don't know i've got a 5 month old male veild. Any way, whenever i mist him he seems to run he hates the water i mist him about 2-3 times a day for around 5 minutes each time. I use warm water but i'm not sure if its warm enough or to warm :S I'm still yet to see him drink and already posted another thread because i've noticed his urates becomming yellow/orange looking. Can somebody help?
when veileds are still young they tend to run from the water. they does for whatever reason but usually come back later. Mine goes to drink when i am gone so yours may be shy and this could cause him not to dink. Also give him a 30 minute shower to rehydrate him.
put pure hot water in the bottle....by the time the mist reaches him its just warm...keep the misting up..they need it. It helps wash out their eyes.
Even water that you think would be too hot will cool off after it is compressed and spritzed through the nozzle.

Adding a dripper will give him a constant source of water, just make sure it's dripping on some leaves.
make sure your mist is a very fine mist, chameleons don't fancy being sprayed. Rubbermaid makes a very good inexpensive and durable spray bottle
Yes I was just thinking I shouldn't stop misting especially if he isn't drinking! I use the dripper when i go out and during misting and I leave it running for a bit after aswel. What is an ideal humidity % once i have misted.
for now don't worry about ideal humidity after misting.
Just focus on getting him to drink.
Seriously, there is nothing wrong with a shower method when your chameleon is 5 months old.
That method will ensure your chameleon to get hydrated.
This is interesting because usually i put hot water in my mister,but when it comes out on Louie its cold.
Keep at it! Just because they don't like being sprayed doesn't mean they don't know they need it.

Use hot water because it will be barely warm once it's sprayed. Drippers are good for drinking but they don't keep humidity high and they don't assist in sheds.

I just apologize out loud and spray him.
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