I think my chameleon died today

Never, ever do that. It’s a cruel way to kill a reptile. Just leave him along and if he’s passed bury him tomorrow.
I've heard that's it about the most humane way, at home anyway.
(Not arguing, just learning)
It does not seem like there is much deemed acceptable (in the home anyway) besides letting nature run its course...
Agreed. I think most would be either unavailable or very unpalatable for most people at home with their beloved pets
Not everybody has money to blow at the vet for every thing. Yeah yeah we should have $ saved up, but unless you're rich, which I doubt the majority of us are, it is wise to save money where we can. Agreed though, euthanizing an animal in most cases is best saved for a vet, but I do think it's worthwhile to talk about at-home methods when possible(not just for putting an animal down, but in every health aspect). I personally have a vet fund saved, but how many people here do we see that don't.
Only once have I had to end a creatures suffering - a chipmunk severely mangled by our cats - I made sure it was quick and as painless as possible. It’s a horrible memory I’ll carry with me forever, but letting it suffer in excruciating pain would have been an even worse memory.

That's rough, I've had a few moments like that. It's the kind of situation more or less, that I think make it worthy of conversation. Can't always run out to a vet without causing much further suffering. Sometimes the most humane thing is to end it quickly on the spot.
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