I think my chameleon is gravid


New Member
i bought a male and female flapneck chameleon about 5 days ago, and i just realized that the female has lumps on her sides. I did research and i believe she is gravid, i put a plastic container in the cage thats about 6 inches wide and tall, and i filled it with soil. The female is kind of aggressive to the male and hasn't really been eating. I think im doing a pretty good job, but what do i do from here? and then what do i do when she lays the eggs? do i touch them with my own hands and put them in separate containers?

heres a picture of the chameleons back


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how long do you think until she lays the eggs? and i need to separate the male and female? what if the eggs are not fertilized when they come out?
Yes they need to be in separate enclosures. Most species of chameleons are solitary animals and each needs their own enclosure. Since they have been together the eggs could be fertile. You'll want to keep them just in case. To incubate the eggs put them in a plastic Tupperware shoe box with about 3 inches of moist vermiculite and keep them in a closet where the temps with be around 76 degrees. I punch two tiny holes in the lid. To test for moisture, take a fist full of it and squeeze it, if no more than a drop or two of water comes out then the moisture level should be okay. Do not turn the eggs as you move them from where they were laid to the container. Lay them in rows about an inch apart in all directions in shallow dents made with your thumb in the vermiculite. Put the lid on and place them in a dark place where the temperature is between 72-78 F. Moisture will form on the sides of the container and underside of the lid. It takes about 8 to 9 months for the eggs to hatch. It they are not fertile they will mold over in a couple of weeks.
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If the eggs are infertile can the male fertilize them or is it too late once they come out? Do I really need to put her in a huge container or is it ok if she has a container in her cage that she can dig into and lay her eggs ?
They would have to mate ahead of time for the eggs to be fertile. I would not use anything smaller than a 12X12X12.
They should not be housed together and they definitely shouldn't be together when the female is trying to lay. Take her out and put her in a large can like in the link in my blog and while she's in there buy another cage and get it set up. I would get the female in the lating bin ASAP.
They should not be housed together and they definitely shouldn't be together when the female is trying to lay. Take her out and put her in a large can like in the link in my blog and while she's in there buy another cage and get it set up. I would get the female in the lating bin ASAP.
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