I think my chameleon is gravid

Unless you provide a proper laying bin fast, and give her total privacy while she attempts to lay, your female will not survive. She looks very thin in that first photo. I would suggest you read the blog in the link that has been provided to you and prepare an appropriate laying bin. Seperate the male from the female and do not let her see you while she is digging and laying.
she is in her own laying bin, away from the male, and it is covered and she has privacy... she is not thin, she is quite chunky and lumpy also
ok so shes been in the laying bin for over a day now, and shes not doing anything, i put a few crickets in there and she hasnt eaten them, and i hydrated her and ive been leaving her alone (i didnt disturb her for 12 hours today)
I would get her an appt with a reptile vet preferably with experience in chameleons as soon as possible. There are several possibilities. She could not be quite ready yet, she may have gone past her time to lay due to a number of factors and may be eggbound or she might just need a little help in which case the vet could give her a shot of oxytocin to get her to lay. Have a good vet check her out and make sure she's ok. Females can die quickly due to complications from laying, that's why a vet visit is best in my opinion.
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