I think my guy might have Gular Edema


Established Member
Hey everyone, for the past few week or so I have noticed that Leo gets a bump in front of his arms, the bump makes him look like he has man boobs. What could have caused this? I'll try to get some better pics tomorrow, but it comes and goes. It usually comes around his bed time.
Chameleon Man Boobs would be what? Chamanboobs?

I find myself wondering if there's something that blooms in your neighborhood around sunset? Maybe this is a bit of an allergic reaction?
First your Cham is beautiful. Wow! He might have a touch of edema, but not enough that I can tell. Just keep an eye on him and lighten up on his supplements for a week or two, so you can see if it changes.
I would say yes he has a mild case of it. Seeing that the chameleon I took in February had "Double D's"lol when I got him yours does not look bad at all. I have made one single observation with mine and that is when I feed alot of crickets, the next day the edema seems to return very slightly. Nothing like before, but it is there. I have read edema is thought to be some type of imbalance when the calcium to phosphorus ratio is off. Don't know if this is true but something to consider. He is a very pretty chameleon by the way!!!
gular edema/gout

wow that is a gorgeous cham, also nice and lean as it should be.

good thing you noticed this early, imo, knowing what to look for in terms of general warning signs, and early recognition are 2 of the most valuble skills a keeper can have

DAVE WELDON has already covered this fairly well, and as usual, his posts are quite informing


i wouldnt recommend it without seeing the help sheet, but note the mylanta phosphorus flush.

just to be clear gout is often related to excess protein issues, but its also a complicated relationship involving calcium, fat, phosphorus and often vitamin A jmo
Thanks guys, I noticed that it pops out more in the evenings, but it is still visible in the mornings here are some pics of today

And his appetite had been decreasing greatly ever since he shed a week ago he'll only eat a few crickets, but he'll eat alot of super worms if I gave them to him (which I don't)


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I took him out for some sun today and the lump wasn't visible


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I agree.. Definitely read Dave's findings. But I had this with one of males once and went to just using plain calcium for 7-10 days, Nothing else. This is just want I did and it went away pretty quick. A vet visit may be in order.
well he hasnt been eating any crickets lately, ive been using repashy calcium plus, should i just switch to reptivite?
Calcium plus is a great product. But with the gular I would get just a plain calcium. Reptivite is a mineral and vitamin. Again, this is just what I did and I only have had the one experience with it.
Just do plain calcium, I love the repashy calcium + but it has d3. If you only give plain calcium for a couple weeks and he still shows signs then see a vet. You can really see it in the night time picture.
Sorry just saw your ? I agree with Laurie. Try just calcium for now. Make sure you are using a good Gutload.
Figured this would help

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - 6 month old ambi. My care for about 3 months
Handling - Few times a week to take outside
Feeding - Crickets almost every day, occasional super worm. Horn and silkworms when I can get them. I gut load with carrots romaine lettuce, apples, strawberries, peaches, oranges, and dinofuel
Supplements - Repashy calcium plus, almost every feeding
Watering - Dripper all day, mist about 3-4 times for a few minutes, dont see him drink much.
Fecal Description - Brown poop covered entirely with white and sort of creme orange urate?
History - He shed a week ago, and his appetite just hasnt been the same, wont eat many crickets, only wants superworms

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 2*2*4 all screen
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 uvb, 60 watt basking bulb
Temperature - Basking around 85, lower part around 76-77, use a digital thermometer
Humidity - 40-70, using analog meter
Plants - Umbrella and Pothos
Placement - Corner of the room near a window, all the vents are closed
Location - Chicago Illinois
Current Problem - I believe he has or is getting gular edema
Everything looks good to me. They always tend to have a funk, is what I call it, around that age. Keep offering crickets and maybe switch up his gutloads. I use three. Cricket crack, bug burger and my own recipe. Sometimes this can spark his hunger again. When I do offer other feeders (silks, horns and mantis) its only a few and not consecutive days. This way its a treat not a staple feeder. Go with plain calcium and give him extra water. This should clear up the issue.
Thanks you've been great help, although I have no idea of how to give him more water I run a dripper all day, mist heavily and he still won't drink, I guess he's being a butt hole teenager
Just do plain calcium, I love the repashy calcium + but it has d3. If you only give plain calcium for a couple weeks and he still shows signs then see a vet. You can really see it in the night time picture.

imo, good call. imo, you shouldnt be giving calcium plus if your animal gets outside sun. calcium plus has d3. giving preformed3 in combination with outside sun is likely to onset hypervitaminosisD which can lead to calcification of organs. refusal to drink is often one of the first signs of oversupplementation. so imo, as recommended by laurie i would cut back on the supps alltogether for a while and save the cal+ as a winter supp. jmo
My guy with the gular edema had it for over a year and a half and the previous owner never did anything about it, not saying that yours should be ignored by any means. He thought he was just fat! As soon as I got him I took him to the vet and he could not specify what really causes it. I totally cut back on the supplements and I never use d3 due to the fact that he is in the Fla sunshine almost every day of the year. I don't give d3 to my other chameleon eitherbut that is my individual situation. His edema does seem to come and go but it is a very mild cases when it does flare up.
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