I think my Lil' bud has MBD, HELP!!!

The reason why we seem anal about chameleons is because they required very specialized care. These are not easy animals to keep.

That said:
the first things you need to change are:
- lights
- supplementation
- get a digital thermometer

however, however many of the other suggestions are necessary too.

Good luck at the vet!


By going to the Vet, at least an experienced Vet will know the signs of MBD and stop it from continuing with Calcium injections..etc. Your Vet can't reverse the MBD but quick medical intervention can save your Chameleon's life!! Isn't that incentive enough to schedule a Vet appointment ASAP!!

We're all concerned on the forum with your little guy so let us know how your Chameleon progesses after you take him to a Vet!!

Howdy Blown,

One of the chameleon keepers on here might live nearby and may be able to help with materials for your chameleon. What part of the world are you located?
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