I think Olive is in trouble !!! - anyone up -

Sammy is patiently waiting to hear about his momma's vet visit, hoping for good news :)

awwwwwwww he is looking so NICE - what a cute pic of him - I am so glad he went to you :) you are just the type of person he deserves :D he is such a cute little guy :D

I was reading page one, & noticed you say they went from formed to goo. Been there done that. Exactly my premie experience. The first two were the normal ones and it went downhill from there. Sorry.
How is she tis morning? Hope everything is ok, let us know something as soon as you get time. :(
How is the hubby too? Lol
Olive seems still a bit tired, but she did not pass any more last night - she is still rather "bloated" looking - I have an apt at the vet for Thur/ to get some testing done on her- and waiting for them to call me about some meds for today - she is drinking , and ready to eat- but I still have a feeling something is still not right- just a gut feeling- or maybe I am just worrying for nothing- :confused: other than being "big" looking and a bit tired , she acts like nothing ever happened to her - but I just want to dbl check w/ the vet this AM to be sure she should not be on any pain meds too - will keep ya posted on her :)

Dave has a torn alkalies tendon - he goes for an MRI today, and then depending one what shows, he will get a boot , or surgery :( His work called, in one day of him being gone, the already broke his big dozer by trying to let someone else run it - so he is having a fit- lol he is going out to work (I told him that is a REALLY bad idea - he can hardly get from the couch to the table - so now he is going to the job site - he is so stubborn ! :p ) and show them how to run it- you know how it is.... lol - just let him go, but I already have all his pain meds for when he gets back - ;)
Not sure how it works with the live bearing girls, but when my egg laying girls would lay eggs, even when i had seen them dig, lay the eggs, and be done, they still looked sorta 'big' in the belly area.

Arina, my female panther, just laid her first infertile clutch, and it took her a full 48 hours for her tummy to return to normal size.

I know in humans the same thing happens, even though the baby is out, the uterus still has to finish retracting and such.

Maybe thats whats going on with your girl?

Just a thought.

I hope everything works out with her!
she just sits with her mouth open :( I spoke with my vet this afternoon, we are doing a ultra sound/CBC and what ever else she needs on her @ 3 on Thur/ - but she is still eating ( lightly feeding her ) and drinking, I had to pick her up today to change her plant, it was a mess- this is the first time I have ever picked her up and she felt light in my hand - I wanted to weigh her, but she will get so much done to her on Thur/ I did not think she needed that too- and they will weigh her no matter if I do it too- so I skipped it - but I am really worried about her mouth being open, she did not start this until after I spoke with the vet, it has gotten a lot worse in the last few hours - :( I will be so glad when she sees her vet
here is her weird spot - and its only on one side? but its been there almost all day - and you can see, she is still quite big :(
the look in her eyes, it makes me nervous- but Olive is a strong girl, and so crazy weird , I just cant help but think she will beat this - any of my other chams would not have made it this far....shes a tough little thing
Thanks for asking about her :)


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thanks everyone, I sure will let you know how it goes for both of them - Olive did not look to well this evening - but she is still holding her own, bless her little soul
I have my fingers XX for her -
I will keep yall in my prayers. I will be waiting to hear how she is doing and what the vet has to say. Good luck and know you and olive are in my thoughts.

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