i wana see your girls!

Camille my female veiled.


Camille's daughter Elly.


My panther Bertha.

Camille my female veiled.


Camille's daughter Elly.


My panther Bertha.


iv looked at chamilie and elly before, there actually the 1ns who got me more interested in veilds ^^ there so just so darn gorgeus! still torn on male or female debate tho >~<
If you are new to chameleons I would recommend starting with a male.

hmmm, yea thats what iv been leaning more towards since it will indeed be my first cham, i cant wait!:D im just waiting till we get new carpet laid down so i can switch rooms already, then itl on be just a matter of buying the rest of the things i need
Well dont overthink it all, but from what ive heard panthers make good and cool looking chams, but from my experience with a male veiled, i would and wouldnt recommend it because my cham i could never hold without him jumping out of my hand and trying to kill himself... but go with whatevers better in your own opinion its nobody elses if moneys kinda an issue i might go with veiled but other than that both make really cool chams:)
thanks for the compliments guys...my Nosy Be is about 15 months and i havent seen any eggs from her bc i havent had a male, but i have a pair of Nosy Be's coming in on friday (thom, im gonna keep her around for a while haha)...my ambanja is going on 2 years, she has the best temperment and a tongue problem, but she is my baby...she is due to lay any day now
My girl, Leia!


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