I want a chameleon

Hi, I'm saving up to buy a chameleon I work at Petsmart (just started) and I have my eyes on the chameleon at my store so as I'm saving money I'm trying to learn everything I need to know and everything about them and could use some advise and tips please ??
Just do it right my friend .I researched for about 4 weeks before I got one and set lots of money aside. All in all I probably spent about 1k dollars the first month I had her .Between the lizard itself cage,plants, accessories,the correct lighting ,vet bills (mine had a respiratory infection right of the box from Petco), keepers for insects. You should absolutely get one ! But just know alot comes with it and they are very sensitive ,quirky lil guys . Best decision I ever made was getting mine .She is wonderful and probably the most active pet I've ever owned .
I hope you know I was joking with you in my above post.


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How do the Pet Stores sell the chams cheap?
There are lots of reasons, many/most having to do with volume and corner cutting. You've heard of "puppy mills"? Same practice goes on with reptiles.

reptile mill

There are many other reasons. The articles in the following link are talking mostly about puppies, but there are analogies for most in the reptile trade.

what pet stores don't want you to know

N.B. Not all pet chains or stores engage in these kinds of practices.

When you go to Repticon shows, there is no shipping cost.
If shipping has been involved, rest assured the costs are worked into the price of an animal one way or another.
This thread has gotten a bit off topic...easily happens when chain pet stores are mentioned. @Teddybear18 there is quite a bit more to keeping a chameleon than just getting a chameleon kit. Just about nothing in the kit is useful or appropriate. It is expensive getting the correct set up. The chameleon is by far the least expensive part of it all. You are in the correct place to learn about chameleons and have been given links to super educational resources. Working at a chain pet store puts you in the position to educate potential chameleon buyers about proper husbandry so those unfortunate chameleons sold there have a chance for a healthy life. My advice to you is to learn all you can while you are saving up. Once you think you have saved up enough, keep saving more. Whether you get your chameleon from a chain store or the best breeder there is, providing it correct husbandry will be essential for it’s health and well being.
My point exactly. I was telling @Beman that how long the cham is in petsmart does not matter, since petsmart provides heavenly conditions compared to the reptile mill the cham was born in.
ehhhhh I believe this to an extent... Petco and petsmart would have some serious MBD issues with babies coming in if the mills did not at least provide basic UVB needs. Beman came in at 4-5 months old and no parasites. Any sort of animal mill is a horrible thing don't get me wrong... I am just saying basic needs would have to be met there or they would not be able to sell "healthy" animals to stores.
Just do it right my friend .I researched for about 4 weeks before I got one and set lots of money aside. All in all I probably spent about 1k dollars the first month I had her .Between the lizard itself cage,plants, accessories,the correct lighting ,vet bills (mine had a respiratory infection right of the box from Petco), keepers for insects. You should absolutely get one ! But just know alot comes with it and they are very sensitive ,quirky lil guys . Best decision I ever made was getting mine .She is wonderful and probably the most active pet I've ever owned .
Thank you and I know I am very excited to buy mine I have my eyes on this lil guy I'm constantly watching him while I'm working
Thank you and I know I am very excited to buy mine I have my eyes on this lil guy I'm constantly watching him while I'm working View attachment 271989View attachment 271990
Just be sure to get the appropriate sized cage, the t5 lighting, live plants as veiled like to nibble on them (and sometime eat a whole dang plant), and dont give YOUR chameleon a water bowl.

I asked dude at my closest lizard shop why they put water bowls in their chameleons cages. He was like, "they actually drink from them sometimes and they go down to soak in them too". Im like no, dude, no. They drink from their leaves. Any chameleon who had to learn to drink from a dirty bowl on the bottom of their cage has had a poor life, IMO.
How do the Pet Stores sell the chams cheap?
Pet store chains buy them in bulk from suppliers that operate the chameleon equivalent of puppy mill. There are threads way back on this site describing how some are run. Don't read them over breakfast. If you go on fauna classified there are members there offering to buy whole clutches, some are middle men for the pet stores. They buy clutches from people who got in over their heads breeding and funnel these animals into the mass market.
@the OP if you do get one from your store get it before it has been there very long, in the first day or two. Some of the chain stores and even smaller stores feed calcium with D3 every feeding and this will poison a chameleon before very long. D3 should only be given once or twice a month depending on species. I often wonder if some higher bean counter type up wants them to die at the persons home so they can sell more pets. You as an employee that cares can prevent this. Good luck to you in your new job.
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