My girlfriend is up to 6 panther chameleons now, youngest 1 month old, oldest is 1.5 years. I've been trying to breed crickets for her and I'm successful most of the time, my biggest issue rotating egg containers at the right time but I also am still trying to find the best moisture level for the soil. But it's also just taking up a lot of space having cricket tubs for all the different sizes and a lot of time cleaning and dealing with smell.
So I'm sure the first thing you all will say is to breed dubia, but I'm in Florida so those are illegal. We have some discoids that I've severely neglected but still manage to survive. I plan on setting up a better tub for them and feeding and giving them water more often so they'll thrive and breed. So how old do panther chameleons need to be to eat the smaller nymphs? If they're too small for the hatchlings can I just feed the hatchlings wingless fruit flies until they are big enough to eat the nymphs?
So I'm sure the first thing you all will say is to breed dubia, but I'm in Florida so those are illegal. We have some discoids that I've severely neglected but still manage to survive. I plan on setting up a better tub for them and feeding and giving them water more often so they'll thrive and breed. So how old do panther chameleons need to be to eat the smaller nymphs? If they're too small for the hatchlings can I just feed the hatchlings wingless fruit flies until they are big enough to eat the nymphs?