I was wondering...

I wish mine was calm. He puffs up when ever I get near him to spray or anything. He is actually in the shower right now man what a pain that is. Any way you can put another male in front of him if you have one or put him in front of a mirror or get a little mirror and put it infront of him. Personally I like the courtship colors the best.
So its not really natural,cept the female thing,you guys just do something to em to puff out?
It is natural. They puff up and sport defense colors to ward of other chams and predators. Mine dont puff up when mating unless my female is non receptive then she does this to warn the male she isnt having it. But the colors of my male when he is courting are different from pissed. Much more vivid around the eyes and he turns really yellow. I will have some pics soon as i get a damn usb cable. Put him infront of a mirror and see what he does or get a smaller mirror and put it in front of him. His reflection should make him think there is a male in his territory and he wont like that.
the mirror this never works for me. i hold him up to it and he looks at it then looks away.
on the other hand if my cat comes in the room when he is out he will get
nice colors.
I like to use another male... I like to think that it makes the male feel a little wild and get as bad ass looking as possible...
Usually mine get fired up when you put another male in front of them.
Or the easy way put a female in front.
I only have the one pair, so I use the female to get him to start flexing, then show him a mirror. I think another male would probably get the job done a lot better. I've never even seen mine give a full fired up look, he's too mellow.

Never hurts to bad talk his mama.
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