I went to take a dump and came out to see this

im pretty sure my female veiled is sexually matured but my male is absolutely tiny! When does a male become sexually mature because I thought they grow up to 2 ft but my male is only 20cm! He has some nice coloration tho. Are they actually mating or is the male just horny and mounting without being able to fertile the eggs? The female is allowing him to mount and not being aggressive but walks off a few minutes after and the male will just chase after her again. He's like a teenager omg what is going on


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Trust me your male is well old enough to be fertile from the looks of him... how old is your female? Do you know her weight? I would be worried about the eggs if she's not of adequate weight otherwise >.<
Trust me your male is well old enough to be fertile from the looks of him... how old is your female? Do you know her weight? I would be worried about the eggs if she's not of adequate weight otherwise >.<
i dont know my female's weight but shes probably around 9 months old. shes pretty massive to be honest. the male is only 4 months old is it even possible for him to be fertile. theyre having trouble mating because the male is so small he cant even reach down there LOL
Look at the size of em, the male is sooo tiny!


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Your title makes it seem that you're surprised but your female is showing receptive colors and you put them together so I don't really get that you're surprised by nature at work... :confused:

I hope you did proper research on mating your chameleons and also on the females needs (females always more needy :cautious:) for egg laying.

On a whole different note if the exo terra is the female's enclosure I think that's way to small and poorly decorated and will probably be to small to properly fit a laying bin for her... The male will eventually need a bigger enclosure as well but his current enclosure may actually be sufficient for the female but it could use some more decoration too.
Well either that or your laptop is huge...o_O

Good luck with preparing with the egg laying, you should not think to lightly about that as it could pose a serious threat to your female's health if neglected... There's enough information to help you on this site, all you ever need to know in fact.
Not to get off topic but I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say your male is older than 4 months old. Hes probably around 6 months judging by his coloration. Could be wrong but thats just my observation
Not to get off topic but I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say your male is older than 4 months old. Hes probably around 6 months judging by his coloration. Could be wrong but thats just my observation
Yea to be honest 4 months was just a wild guess haha. do you think its possible t
Not to get off topic but I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say your male is older than 4 months old. Hes probably around 6 months judging by his coloration. Could be wrong but thats just my observation
yea 4 months was just a wild guess from me. So if he is 6 months old is he fertile? Do u think they actually mated? Cuz not once did I see their bottoms connect. The male was just kinda mounted on top. How long does penetration usually last? I don't even think he reached down there haha. I tried putting the male in the females cage again and she got really aggressive. Here is her now, does she have fertile eggs? How long is she gonna stay like this before she lays her eggs?
Likely, but it might not be known until later and they are laid and you candle them. I mean it's either you prepare for hatchlings or get ready to freeze if necessary.
From the pics, i see you have a bin for laying. That's good. Please do as much reading and research on the topic as you can. And it is imperative that you take really good care of the female with regards to hydration and supplementation. It's not too late, but you are definitely starting behind the curve. She was most likely bred, and will have fertile eggs, so pay attention to her so you dont loose her in the process. And. Yes. They are both old enough to breed.
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