I wonder how many can say this?


Chameleon Enthusiast
So Echo was enjoying a good long misting this morning, and decided he was going to come over close to me and check me out. He will sometimes even walk right onto my hand, when he's being curious like that. But instead, he closely examined my hand for a while, then decided to drink some water. But he was still very interested in my hand, so i took the spray bottle and sprayed some water into the palm of my hand, and he started drinking from my hand!! Taking a wiggly bug is one thing, but licking up water from my hand? That's a first!! You can't tell me that these animals don't thrive with human interaction in captivity! I know he's no puppy, but he does like to interact with me. And it's never forced. Always on his terms.
So Echo was enjoying a good long misting this morning, and decided he was going to come over close to me and check me out. He will sometimes even walk right onto my hand, when he's being curious like that. But instead, he closely examined my hand for a while, then decided to drink some water. But he was still very interested in my hand, so i took the spray bottle and sprayed some water into the palm of my hand, and he started drinking from my hand!! Taking a wiggly bug is one thing, but licking up water from my hand? That's a first!! You can't tell me that these animals don't thrive with human interaction in captivity! I know he's no puppy, but he does like to interact with me. And it's never forced. Always on his terms.

I hope Sherman gets close to the level of yours in his interactions with me. Right now I'm happy that he no longer runs away when I'm in front of his terrarium and he's not scared of the camera. He's perched up close to the front out in the open this evening and fell asleep there when the lights when out. He even let me reach in to remove his feeding trough without budging, just a little stink eye action for disturbing him while putting his pajamas on for bed.......baby steps, right?;)

My old Cham (Rip) was just as lovable as yours. I do still miss him dearly at times, enough to bring a tear to my eyes I will admit....:(
Wow. That's just fantastic. And you're right.
I've read several articles that act like chameleons are antiques. "Look don't touch" always seems to be a major rule, at least scientifically.
However, there are A LOT of exceptions.
Such as Echo here. He seems like a real sweetheart....:love:
Tony has never licked it from my hand but he has on occasion come up to the spray bottle or has waited in a spot and let me GENTLY spray his tongue.
S But he was still very interested in my hand, so i took the spray bottle and sprayed some water into the palm of my hand, and he started drinking from my hand!! Taking a wiggly bug is one thing, but licking up water from my hand? That's a first!!

Actually I can! I had a wc F. verrucosus who learned to drink water out of my cupped hand. I had just sprayed down his viv and he started licking the leaves. When I put my hand under a large droopy leaf in front of his nose he started licking that, then moved to my hand. After that he would routinely come over to lick my hand. I always felt so honored, as he was a very shy little guy.
I hope Sherman gets close to the level of yours in his interactions with me. Right now I'm happy that he no longer runs away when I'm in front of his terrarium and he's not scared of the camera. He's perched up close to the front out in the open this evening and fell asleep there when the lights when out. He even let me reach in to remove his feeding trough without budging, just a little stink eye action for disturbing him while putting his pajamas on for bed.......baby steps, right?;)

My old Cham (Rip) was just as lovable as yours. I do still miss him dearly at times, enough to bring a tear to my eyes I will admit....:(
Awe! It's amazing how these little lizards can steal our hearts, isn't it? Baby steps and good juicy, wiggly superworms!
Tony has never licked it from my hand but he has on occasion come up to the spray bottle or has waited in a spot and let me GENTLY spray his tongue.
Echo doesn't like the spray hitting his face. The droplets area little too big, and he closes his eyes and just freezes till its over, but every once in a while, he heads right for it. This was one of those days.
Actually I can! I had a wc F. verrucosus who learned to drink water out of my cupped hand. I had just sprayed down his viv and he started licking the leaves. When I put my hand under a large droopy leaf in front of his nose he started licking that, then moved to my hand. After that he would routinely come over to lick my hand. I always felt so honored, as he was a very shy little guy.
Very cool! That's kinda the same thing I did. He is really an awesome little man! I would really like to get him a girlfriend, and see what kind of temperament his babies have. I know, from breeding dogs, that a lot of the parents' temperament and unique behaviors are passed on from generation to generation.
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