I would like to get your opinion on this cage that i built


New Member
This is a way biger proyect than expected i dont even have a single chameleon yet and Im already $500.00 deep


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Looks good to me (your carpentry skills remind me how awful mine are! LOL)
though it looks a little small depth wise. What are the dimensions? What are you going to keep in it? How will you handle water ?
Good eye !!!!

Looks good to me (your carpentry skills remind me how awful mine are! LOL)
though it looks a little small depth wise. What are the dimensions? What are you going to keep in it? How will you handle water ?

I did mess up on the deep !!!! Came to find out later (48in Heigh 48in Wide 20in deep ) Im kepping Veild Chameleon and about the water i still have to seald the wood and im going to use a mist system which will be properly draining from the cage floor. Any recomendations on a good Mist System ?
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Looks good. What are you gonna do about drainage? It would be a shame to build something that nice and not install drainage.
Veileds like to be up high since they live in trees. If they can't get up higher then your eyes then you may be in trouble. The bottoms of my cages are all at chest high to me so they look down at me when they are basking.
Nice looking cage. I highly recommend mistking if you want a good mist system. Its supreme and makes it easier. When your ready for the system go to mistking.com
Veileds like to be up high since they live in trees. If they can't get up higher then your eyes then you may be in trouble. The bottoms of my cages are all at chest high to me so they look down at me when they are basking.

I cant tell for sure but by the looks of the picture it doesnt look like it would be too hard to build a box out of the same wood and attach the cage to that to raise it up. I would definitely try and raise the enclosure up though. :)

It is very nice. Too bad I cant get my husband off his Xbox long enough to build one for me. :rolleyes:
Good stuff!

Great craftsmanship man! Jann brings up a good point about chams wanting to be higher than us humans... But if your cage is in a low traffic area they shouldn't stress too badly. That is a large cage for just one cham... So maybe split it down the middle with a board or plastic and keep two chams?

I would check out Mist King or HerpMist.
i think that looks very very nice! Why $500? I think thats way over my price range for a cage :(
Thanks everyone for all of your advise!!!! and constructive criticizm Im defently working on drainage soon before the mist system gets install and about the high ill problably built a cabinet to place it underneath not sure yet. Once again thanks for all the advise
i think that looks very very nice! Why $500? I think thats way over my price range for a cage :(

To be exact i spent 280.00 materials alone. I dont have any intentions of making this a busines to much work ,, Why 500.00? I was adding all the accesories i bought(MIst ,vitamins,decorations ECT...)
Is that MDF? If it is... its not exactly an ideal material for a cham cage. You're going to need to essentially seal the whole interior with some kind of epoxy.. Because a little moisture and MDF turns to mush.
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