Identify my new friend Marvin!


New Member
So....I go out back onto the pool deck to take the dogs out and I see this...

This web is oh...about 8 feet at the outer edges reaching from my pool deck to the corner of the house(excuse the paint scrape job-been painting the house for a few years now :rolleyes:) and the inner web is about 3 feet in diameter. Here is Marvin a little closer...

Doesn't it give you warm fuzzies to think you walk into these things and they get stuck in your hair or end up on your back???? My best friend here at night is my super powerful rechargeable spot flashlight!:eek:
OMG the worst thing in the world is when we go riding at nigh out in the woods and you drive right into a huge spider web.
Then you jump of the 4-wheeler and start jumping around smaking your body.
I'm going to have to agree with Justin on this one. Nothing in the world scares me more than a spider and just looking at Marvin is about to make me convulse. lol
I love Orb Weavers!
Very gentle spider actually, and amazing to watch work.
I don't know if I've seen that one before.
We have 2 very commonly seen species here, one very spiny and knobby, and a white one with chocolate drizzle markings on the abdomen (too lazy to get my spider book to tell you exactly ... maybe later)
Have fun watching her!

Oh i know what that is. I'm very familiar with this species. It is a "Spider" that's right a spider. notice the legs. It has them. :p hehe j/k
Juli my apparently very insufficient and out of date Audubon field guide does not show a picture of "Marvin"
Although ... I'm willing to bet it should be "Marvina":rolleyes:

I love spiders, but the feeling of webs when you walk into them is disgusting

...and fighting it off makes you look like you're criminally insane to anyone walking down the other side of the street. An unseen "web" is also one of the cheapest and most effective gags in a haunted house.

Cool spider!
i had one of these in my pool area, at first glance, i caught it at night with a flash light and i just about phobia'd out, it was some straight venom stuff, it looked HUUUUUGE and SILVER

we got the pool net down and wacked it down

this spider played dead!

he just about fooled me too, he looked lifeless!

i caught a glimpse of him playing and let him go in the near by woods

he turned out to be really small in comparison to ones i've seen since, however, they def have the tarantula like death stare and that fat body is very intimidating, but i don't even think they are even moderately venomous

i managed to get an upclose look at this baby though and it def was covered in thick fur
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