If your cham is nervous,keep trying..have patience :)


New Member
I have had my cham 'Cleo' for two months now and when I first got her she was very very nervous and would not come from behind her plants. This is how I'm gaining her trust (slowly)
1) I began by dish feeding her in her enclosure every other day
2) I then progressed by placing the dish in one hand and offered my other hand to climb on
3) I now open her enclosure door to create a 'bridge' from her enclosure to my sofa. She will now come out of her enclosure,eat her crickets then turn and slowly walk back to her enclosure. When she comes out she displays her 'army' colours as she is still slightly nervous.

The progress is slow but happening slowly. Whenever I am at home I have her door open next to my sofa so that it is easily accessible should she wish to venture out. I thought I had a very grumpy cham when I got her. She is still very nervous but if you put in the time you will get rewards trust me,slowly but surely. Every new step of trust they gain with you is amazing! Here a pic of her when she came out today
Good for you! :D I'm trying the same thing for my cham also. Slowly but surely. :p Make sure your close by and watching her when she's out of her cage to make sure she's safe. ;) Good luck!
I think that's a wonderful story, thanks for sharing your experiences. Especially heartening to know as I have a shy chameleon now and I had wondered if there was any hope for the future but reading you story gives me lots of hope.
It's great you have put such care and patience into working with her. Hoping for updates in the future.(y)
Brilliant story and thanks for sharing it. It really is all about patience and slow moving. One thing i want to ask is has Cleo ever shot her tongue at the glass ? I have seen lots of chams do this thinking they can get the prey.
Brilliant story and thanks for sharing it. It really is all about patience and slow moving. One thing i want to ask is has Cleo ever shot her tongue at the glass ? I have seen lots of chams do this thinking they can get the prey.


Yes she sometimes did that but now she knows to climb into the glass for the prizes :) she has made huge progress the past three days and she now comes out of her enclosure and walks over me to get to the window, she's a cool little girl
It is great..but chams are not the kind of pet you should have if you want someting to 'pet and cuddle'. They do best when simply observed.
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