Im a bit concerned - please help


New Member

I'm very new to keeping chameleons - my boyfrined bought me a Yeham last weekend.

I think she's female and is about 9 months old according to the shop.

When collecting her they gave a sheet of A4 paper with information on caring for her, but after reading further on the internet it seems this information wasn't enough.

We have been feeding her on small crickets but as there have been some in the viv I have not put new ones in each day, the thing is I don't think she has eaten at all for about 5 days.

Also we have been misting the viv but she doesn't seem to be drinking.

Yesterday and today we tried all sorts - I have tried apples and cucumber and she is not interested, also we have tried al drip system and also a small tub of water but she has not had anything. She now looks like she is losing weight and we are really worried.

Does anyone have any advice please?

Thanks very much

Try putting 2 or 1 crickets in a cup and put it close to her face she might eat its then. Make sure your water is in drops. Also try giving her a shower. Or poke holes in a red solo cup put water in it put your cham in shower or tub with fake or real plant. Then with the holes in the bottom of the cup it should sort of be like rainfall. make the drops drop by her but not on. George my cham loves this he turns green and will start drinking.
Ive never seen mine drink but once from a dropper she may drink u just havnt noticed and she might be scared of the new place and not want to eat just make sure you put a dripper with a bowl to catch the drips and mist twice a day and keep offering crickets or superworms mealworms
Check out the care sheets on here and jannbs blogs.
Also read about laying bins, as females lay eggs even without a male near.
Mealworms should only be offered as treats too.
Thanks everyone

Im going to see how she goes over the next couple of days with the dripping system and also try her on some different foods

Ive heard they can go on hungery strike - is this true and if so how do you get them to come out of it?
Seeing that you just got her, it might be she is just stressed from her new environment. My one chameleon I got from another member did not eat for the first 11 days. There could also be the possibility that she is carry eggs which would cause them to go off food. Can you post a few pics of her so we can check her general health out?
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