I'm becoming mosquito food


I don't know where they're coming from, and no one else in my house seems to be prey to these infuriating bugs but they're in my room with me and my cham and they're driving me insane. I'm at 12 bites right now and I'm getting multiple new bites every night. I'm also running out of anti-itch ointment. :(

I looked around online for a natural mosquito repellent and only found stuff made of flower oils. This could be an issue for me because I am allergic to a lot of smells. I also looked into getting a lamp to possibly attract them to and burn them up but couldn't find anything like that, again only finding repellent lights (that had 1 star ratings)

Does any one know of any good, working mosquito repellents, sprays or lights, that are safe for lizards and dogs ? We have made a solution of lemon grass oil and water to rid of fruit flies and gnats, would that also work on mosquitoes ?
Any help is much appreciated. :notworthy:
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