im haveing a problem!


New Member
i can not get in to the health forum and i have a sick chameleon any one have any advice? its a female vaild chameleon approx age maybe a year her set up is 3ft wide by 3ft long by 4ft tall all screen two ficus plants as well as vines that tier for specific basking spots a 70watt day heat bulb a 70 watt night heat bulb main basking sopt is bout 80degrees i have a uvb lamp set to i also have a habba mist set at 60 second mist every 3 hours. she refuses to really eat crickets maybe a couple twice a week she loves meal worms and will eat them non stop ihave ran out of meal worms and have just been feeding crickets for only about a week . my problem is her eyes are shrunken in shes a drab brown color and is just lathargis barely holding on to branches and wen i took her out today she tightend up her stomach really tight like she was trying to pass sumthing but couldnnt she is not egg bound beacuse i palpated her an have not had her in with males but when she tightend her stomach a clearish white mucus came out from her rectum not alot but just a little can any one tell me what they might think the problem is ?:confused:
Females can and do lay eggs without being with males. Do you have a laying container in with her? Meal worms are very bad feeders, hard to digest and can lead to impaction issues. Has she pooped lately?
no i don not have an egg laying container due to the fact i did not have her with males but i could make one. i did not know that she absolutely loves them im going to get her wax worms today though to hopefully see if she will take sumthing for me. she does poop like a champ but i have not noticed any in the past two days i have seen her drink yesterday though and she was very active till today i felt het stomach and i could not feel any eggs
If her eyes are sunkin in....she is need a dripper regardless if you have a mist chameleon will not even drink while being misted for 5 five need to take your chameleon to a vet as soon as possible. i understand its expensive but it might die.......and is cruel if you us a couple good pictures of her we might beable to tell you more
the calcium powder we use is called miner-all. im putting a good pic on in a sec. taking her to a vet isnt a problem because of expence its just we have no reptile vet anywhere even close to where we live. ive also herd that u can give them pedalite if they are dehidrated.
here is a picture of her

im not very sure about pedalite but ive heard about it.....and i understand my vet was 45 min need to becareful with calcium supplements because d3 and other vitamins should only be given to chams once maybe twice a should try and find a plain calcium supplement its cheap and you should give it to your chams 4-5 times a week for a healthy strong cham....the only reason im saying this is because it kind of sounds like your cham may have MBD but most people on here should know if they see some pics of your cham and its condition... how often do you give your cham the supplement?
awww she is pretty...... i can tell you right now she is dehydrated ....her eyes are sunken in....i dont have any tips except...1. running a dripper every hour shes awake 2. taking her to the vet
i ran her in a humid shower for about 30 mins but ill have to put the dripper back on i thought the habba mist would work she was drinking yesterday and all was fine i dont know what could of changed from then til now
It may be possiblethat she is eggbound. If she is falling off of things then I would get her to a chameleon experienced vet. Make a two hour drive if you have to.

In the mean time, a 50/50 pedialite (unflavored) and water mix can be given if she will drink it.
and the closest vet we have is two hours away. if shes already sick i figured it would stress her out alot more to transport her for that long.
she is still alert and a grumpy when i try to pick her up but u can obviously tell shes not right also this sounds wierd when i picked her up to take that picture and a when i went to put her back she vibrated like a cell phone nooo joke like exactly likethat and shortly after she looked like she went in to a seziure
The vibrating is a way of telling you she's not happy being handled. Many chams do it.

Do you have any lights on at night? What does the temp drop to at night? Unless your room gets below 50 you should be using NO heat or light at night. Constant light (even the low level "night" heat bulbs) can stress chams and just add to the dehydration she is showing.
I really think she needs a vet now. They can crash quite quickly and she's already showing signs of not being well.

In the meantime, I would put a proper container of washed playsand in there to see if she will lay eggs.
1. Do not use a night lamp. They do not need night heat, their bodies need to cool down at night.
2. Give her many mistings a day with a hand held spray bottle so you know she is getting the water.
3. The mealworms may have caused her to become impacted, and she will need to see a vet right away if that is the case.
4. With the high temperatures and all of the food she has been receiving it is likely she is gravid and needs a laying bin of preferably play sand an coconut fiber( you can get it at a pet store) that is 10-12 inches deep.
5. If she is eggbound, she will need to see a vet pronto and likely have surgery to remove the eggs and spay her.
6. If she does not improve even a little in 24 hours get her to a vet straight away. It does not matter if it is 2 hours away, she will die if you do not get her to a vet. it's better you try to get her to a vet in the least stressful way possible than to just wait for her to die at home because you thought she would die on the way. Be responsible.
heres my problem

i have a sick chameleon any one have any advice? its a female vaild chameleon approx age maybe a year her set up is 3ft wide by 3ft long by 4ft tall all screen two ficus plants as well as vines that tier for specific basking spots a 70watt day heat bulb a 70 watt night heat bulb main basking sopt is bout 80degrees i have a uvb lamp set to i also have a habba mist set at 60 second mist every 3 hours. she refuses to really eat crickets maybe a couple twice a week she loves meal worms and will eat them non stop ihave ran out of meal worms and have just been feeding crickets for only about a week . my problem is her eyes are shrunken in shes a drab brown color and is just lathargis barely holding on to branches and wen i took her out today she tightend up her stomach really tight like she was trying to pass sumthing but couldnnt she is not egg bound beacuse i palpated her an have not had her in with males but when she tightend her stomach a clearish white mucus came out from her rectum not alot but just a little can any one tell me what they might think the problem is ? here is a pic of her


she is still alert and a grumpy when i try to pick her up but u can obviously tell shes not right also this sounds wierd when i picked her up to take that picture and a when i went to put her back she vibrated like a cell phone nooo joke like exactly likethat and shortly after she looked like she went in to a seziure

She looks dehydrated..... Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate! Her eyes are very sunk in!
How hard did you palpitate her belly? As far as the vibrations go IDK.. never observed that one, a spinal injury from a fall is the closest thing.. Another thing offering mealworms as a staple diet is not a good idea due to the fact that mealworms contain very little nutritional value. I offer my panther them maybe once a month a a treat!!!
First of all she needs to see a vet, ASAP. She looks very dehydrated. Lethargy in chameleons is a bad sign. Mealworms are not a good feeder. They cause impaction problems. Do you dust the feeders with any supplement? Vitamins, calcium? Vibrating, shaking, weak grip, ect. can be symptoms of MBD. She doesn't need a heat source at night unless the temps drop below 50 degrees.

Find a vet that has experience with chameleons close to you and get her there as soon as possible.
The animal is severely dehydrated.

Firstly, 60 second misting every three hours is not that great. Try a two to three minute misting every two hours.

But for now she needs water in her, badly.

Take out one of your plants and put it in the shower. Turn on the water and get it luke warm. Put your cham on the plant and just leave her alone with the water falling onto the plant. I would suggest about 15-20 mins of this. You can check on her ever 10 mins or so. This way she will feel secure and can drink all she needs.

Meal worms are not that great of a feeder, little nutritional value, and the carapace makes them hard to digest.

Go out and get some horn worms or silk worms. Those have high water retention. Even better, soak the worms in water ( don't drown them ) and then offer them to her.

Are you gut loading your feeders? what about supplementing?

Calcium deficiency and the onset of MBD has symptoms of the shakes and seizures your describing. The animal is struggling to support its weight on the weakened bones.


Firstly, the red makes it hard for her to sleep. She can see it, and it annoys her.

Secondly, when keeping a chameleon you need to mimic nature. In nature the cham will never have a warm bed and a night light. She needs the temperature drop anyways. It slows down the metabolism and allows her body to rest.

Hot temps during the night, with hot temps during the day - little nutrition from those meal worms, and inadequate misting intervals are your main problems.

Start with the shower first. Do it twice a day, that poor animal is probably dieing for an ounce of water. I can tell because of the sunken eyes, which are basically in the socket.

On a side note, her size is very small for a year old chameleon. Have you had her for the entire year? or just acquired her?


you already posted this thread before, just in general discussion.

People told you in that thread that the animal needs a vet appointment and is obviously dehydrated.

Maybe you should be listening and taking that two hour drive instead of waiting for a second opinion from one of us. No one is going to tell you the animal is fine - No One

Might I suggest acting responsibly and in the morning putting her in the shower for 15-20 mins and then proceeding to the vet.

If you don't, In all likelihood the animal is going to die.

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