im haveing a problem!

IMHO its fine to try to provide extra hydration for a chameleon who's eyes are sunken in but more often than not, the sunken eyes are accompanying an illness and thus just a symptom. IMHO you need to make sure that it is only dehydration and not something else.

Dehydration identification: are the urates white or not? If you take a pinch of skin and pull it away from the body, how fast does it return to where it was? Is the chameleon drinking?

"Signs that a chameleon might be sick include: sunken eyes (dehydration), not eating for days, listlessness or weakness, rapid weight loss, abnormal swellings, regurgitation, very watery feces, etc."....
she has not deficated yett she has this white clearish secreations comeing out of her anus i had to syrenge feed her sum water and pedialite she took it fine shes a little more active today than yesterday i gave her a humid shower for about 30 mins and perked her up real nice i put her back in her cage and she gets all lethargic but i did notice she gos in to the seziures she wiggles back and forth opens her mouth and clenches up what could that be :(
Heat. sounds like she's over heating. Try to lower your temps a little. She need a vet right now. if she can only pass urates that is a very good indication she is impacted. Soak her in a shallow pan of warm water up to the tip of her tail and let her soak for a while until you can get to a vet. It may help her poop.
You said..."she gos in to the seziures she wiggles back and forth opens her mouth and clenches up what could that be"...and..."she has not deficated yet"...IMHO I would get her to a vet ASAP.
She is definately impacted or trying to lay an infertile clutch. Either way she needs to see the vet. ASAP Quit typing and start doing something proactive for the animals well being. Where do you live im sure someone on this board knows of a reputable reptile vet within a reaonable distance from you.
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