I'm leaving the forum

  • Thread starter ChameleonsInMyHouse
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i've been on chameleon forums for the last 2.5-3 years now, not only on this account name ChamsInMyHouse, I was also VeiledOwner87. It is with great sucky-ness that i feel i'm wasting my time here now. As most of you see where i hang out most here is "the Lizard lounge", simply because I feel like my suggestions in chameleon-related threads are irrelevant, always wrong..blah blah blah. Apparently "i'm still learning".. apparently i only have about a year experiences, and that my response wasnt as respected as somebody else's "fill out the help form" bulll crap.
Well, evidently. we ALL are still learning.

Anywho, i also have a lot of great contacts with some members here, and i thank you all for your encouragment, hospitality and kindness.
DaveBuchan, PrettyInPink, Dreamforthedead, Carol, Suzi, JannB, Hoj, you along with many other are great members!

I'm outtie guys, mods feel free to delete my account, but forum feel free to facebook me. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001611268837

-Phil (Kiwi, Tom, Elvis & the rest)
oh.. and just to mention.. APPARENTLY i have had a lot of immature people complain to mods about certain things about me

1) i've had complaints when i was writting good reviews for MistKing in peoples "WHICH ONE IS BETTER" thread.

2) when i made my new and current account, i had people complain to Mods that i was promoted to senior member after only a couple days. ALL MY REP POINTS were legit.

3) i've been infracted by sticking up for myself..

sooo aside from the great people on here. there are a lot of immature cry babies that i suggest grow up.. and their probably senior members doing all of the complaining..
Awww who am I going to flirt with??

lol i'll make this my last appearence/thread..

DAVES STILL HERE! ACE is learning quite nice too ;) But of course dave & ace aren't Phil :rolleyes: so facebook me lmao
Awe, don't go!:( You are a great member of the forum and have alot of valid things to say. We all are not perfect and not one of us can say we know it ALL. I wish you would reconsider!!! If not though, wishing you all the best!
Don't go I'll miss you and little Kiwi. On a forums you just have to take the good with the bad and don't let the bad things get to you. Believe me I've been there and done that. Take a small break, cool off and then come back.
Awe, don't go!:( You are a great member of the forum and have alot of valid things to say. We all are not perfect and not one of us can say we know it ALL. I wish you would reconsider!!! If not though, wishing you all the best!

as of right now sweetie i'm not.. its mods who a great majority of these issues come from. and mod's also act upon complaints from other members. and i also have things changed by them. little things, but enough to make you stop and think.. "....really? are you serious?....for what?" facebook me Carol, i'd like to keep in touch.
i'll miss you and the crew too Jann. maybe a long break from all of this is what i need. but in the mean time. you can assure i'll keep in touch when i can with you and a few others <3
I honestly know where you are coming from with this. It seems to happen to a few around here. Some people just get jealous and what not. I am sick of all the newer members acting hot headed and giving out wrongful information from the little threads that I have read, it just seems to have gotten worse over time. I know I have been here for about a year and a half, but still.. Somethings aren't fair. We will miss you! Find me on Facebook, I'm at school. Zac Bublitz. :3
i wouldnt leave the forums man, disagrements are a part of life and bound to happen.
all in all you are always trying to help and i belive everyone deserves a voice.
I honestly know where you are coming from with this. It seems to happen to a few around here. Some people just get jealous and what not. I am sick of all the newer members acting hot headed and giving out wrongful information from the little threads that I have read, it just seems to have gotten worse over time. I know I have been here for about a year and a half, but still.. Somethings aren't fair. We will miss you! Find me on Facebook, I'm at school. Zac Bublitz. :3

it's not the new members that piss me off. its people who SHOULD know better. If a high and mighty Noob comes and thinks they run the place, then it's not hard to put them back IN their place. Zac i couldn't find you on facebook. when you're out of school look me up.
it's not the new members that piss me off. its people who SHOULD know better. If a high and mighty Noob comes and thinks they run the place, then it's not hard to put them back IN their place. Zac i couldn't find you on facebook. when you're out of school look me up.

Very true, I will get that done when I get home from school, I just remembered no body can find me unless i'm not their friend. LOL. Hope to see you around sometime soon.
i've been on chameleon forums for the last 2.5-3 years now, not only on this account name ChamsInMyHouse, I was also VeiledOwner87. It is with great sucky-ness that i feel i'm wasting my time here now. As most of you see where i hang out most here is "the Lizard lounge", simply because I feel like my suggestions in chameleon-related threads are irrelevant, always wrong..blah blah blah. Apparently "i'm still learning".. apparently i only have about a year experiences, and that my response wasnt as respected as somebody else's "fill out the help form" bulll crap.
Well, evidently. we ALL are still learning.

Anywho, i also have a lot of great contacts with some members here, and i thank you all for your encouragment, hospitality and kindness.
DaveBuchan, PrettyInPink, Dreamforthedead, Carol, Suzi, JannB, Hoj, you along with many other are great members!

I'm outtie guys, mods feel free to delete my account, but forum feel free to facebook me. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001611268837

-Phil (Kiwi, Tom, Elvis & the rest)

Sucks you are going man :( I don't have a face book account but I hope you do come back sooner or later. Have a good one. Maintain those eyes of yours.
Chameleonsinmyeyes I have always had this problem with almost 7 years of chameleon keeping experience, on the SAreptiles forum apparently that STILL is not good enough for them and thats only due to the fact that I am 16.
If I add a coment opposing what another says about raising a chameleon or something like that I get told I am ignorant and I only talk the way I do because I am immature and young.

I think its because if they are older they think they know MUCH more...
Oh well...how sad.

The best thing to do is shrug them off...
Its never nice to hear about members wanting to leave because of other immature members.
I have never once seen an irrelevant comment or post from you...

it sucks you feel that way. never mind the mods and members that get to you. take a break if needed and come back. you are valued here!

no need to leave something you enjoy over a few sours.
If you had disagreed in a civil tone with constructive comments rather than blatant hostility for no reason towards someone just trying to help (even regardless of the fact that she has more experience) then perhaps people would have been more inclined to actually listen to you. Instead you sounded like a bratty teenager. Telling someone to "know their place" means you don't know yours, which is to be helpful instead of hostile. Sorry but you had it coming after that one...

It's a shame you're leaving since you might have good advice for people.
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Awww don't go, man. Im new to this forum and to chameleons. My adventure is just starting, and believe it or not, I have learned a lot from YOUR posts.
If you had disagreed in a civil tone with constructive comments rather than blatant hostility for no reason towards someone just trying to help (even regardless of the fact that she has more experience) then perhaps people would have been more inclined to actually listen to you. Instead you sounded like a bratty teenager. Telling someone to "know their place" means you don't know yours, which is to be helpful instead of hostile. Sorry but you had it coming after that one...

It's a shame you're leaving since you might have good advice for people.

I'm sure you would have gotten mad after someone basically calls you a dumb ass. Maybe she didn't know the meaning behind jabroni though?
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