I'm making an online reptile supplies shop!

At 13 your doing this? This is a big undertaking... A lot of expense for inventory and covering issues with shipping feeders. Plus there are many options out there already so trying to be competitive with price and options can be difficult...
Mm hmm that's true, my uncle has made a bunch of games and sold a bunch of stuff before and my mom is a really good sales person so I think she can help me
Above is correct and it isn't even 12,500----(maybe typo).

Take a class in Small Business Entrepreneurship - it is very important to understand all the laws/license/state/federal/your home (residential) might not allow such zoning, but a wonderful idea. IF you do-- as your business project /plan, use what you want to do, so you get professional help in it from the professor/instructor. JMHO --- I would wait a few years and enjoy being young. :LOL: (y)

Note: Stress is the biggest killer since it can manifest in many different ways.

remember-- people sue businesses so you would want to make it an LLC if needed. Learn- Learn- Learn and your dreams will come true.
The End!
Above is correct and it isn't even 12,500----(maybe typo).

Take a class in Small Business Entrepreneurship - it is very important to understand all the laws/license/state/federal/your home (residential) might not allow such zoning, but a wonderful idea. IF you do-- as your business project /plan, use what you want to do, so you get professional help in it from the professor/instructor. JMHO --- I would wait a few years and enjoy being young. :LOL: (y)

Note: Stress is the biggest killer since it can manifest in many different ways.

remember-- people sue businesses so you would want to make it an LLC if needed. Learn- Learn- Learn and your dreams will come true.
The End!
What a great story!😂
Gonna ask to sponsor it when it's done, for the name I'm thinking rad reptile shop idk tell me if you have any better ideas
lizard wizard emporium?

If I were you I wouldn't start it, at least not now. Not to down on your dreams or aspirations, but Jesus Christ does school get tough. And high school is a slap in the face. I just don't want you to be so caught up in the business that you skip on opportunities in high school to boost your credentials.

but if I can be of any help lmk! I think this is a cool idea, I'm just not sure now is the best time in your life 🤷‍♀️
I'd say make a 5 year plan for school, career, and your business and make your dream come true! For that 5 year plan you can pursue some business courses. In high school you can do dual enrollment and take college courses for credit from a community college for example. Do a listening tour asking people what it was like to start their business. What they had to do to prepare and what they struggled with. That will inform your plan.
I have to pay income tax beacause of last year when I sold a bunch of stuff on ebay and got a cham lol i dont like the irs
i do have to say im very impressed with the dedication and entrepreneurship of this young one, I was dumb then (and still am) and I would never have even considered starting a shop. but if you do make it, I would be very happy to support or help, at least as much as I can, im still just a highschooler 🤷‍♀️
Okay, I’m 14 and understand the want to be independent, make some money, etc. But in Beman’s words this is a big undertaking. Just wait till your in high school or take high school credit it will get super stressful having a business and school. Your going to need ALOT of room to sell feeders and supplies. If you want to earn some money here’s some ideas. This summer I did this and earned $300 not much but it’s a start, I sold some pies in my neighborhood then had little cars handmade in the top with a logo name and number so people can order pies, it worked phenomenaly. When your 14 some places will hire during summer, in my state Starbucks and chicfila do. You can work as a apprentice for free under someone while this doesn’t sound fun you will get a lot of experience which is good for highly competitive jobs for say a vet. If you want something animal related see if you can work as an apprentice under a breeder (once I worked under a dog breeder) maybe see if you can help clean zoo’s or maybe in a reptile store during summer. 😉enjoy being a kid bc when ur older your going to have plenty of work to look forward too.
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