im new

thank you for that information. i will say it again, i know i am not ready for a chameleon. i need to do more research. i havent owned a reptile before but i have my heart set on a cham. i have been thinking about it for a long time, and it would not be an impulse purchase. i also realize that chameleons are sensitive and if i cant hold him then thats fine. i will just watch him. again,thank you for the information, but if somebody is informed enough, i think they can raise any animal. (i am not trying to be rude):):D:(:

With the attitude and maturity torwards.this idea that u are showing and at your age.. you are going to do great.

Don't forget once you've started and are up and going keep.saving as much as u can like you are now. Cause if something happens a big vet bill may be the only option in a hurry...

Good luck your going to love it :)
Hi everyone! Special shoutout to scailstailsandclaws and dekuscrub. You guys have helped me out on making a discision on what to do and get.

Thanks sooooo much to everybody!!!


Ps. i am going to get a male veild 3 to 4 months old probably from LLL reptile or flchams and i am going to get my supplies from LLL reptile.

Love you guys!
Please make sure your mother is willing to spend hundreds of dollars on vet bills (check-ups / fecals, and the eventual health emergencies).

Also, make sure you have a plan for vacations, weekends away with fridns, etc BEFORE you buy.

I suggest you read these links (in addition to all the others I previously provided)
thanks! I have everything taken care of! :)

I hope what you meant by this is that you read all those links and are working to absorb all the knowledge presented.

You will never actually "have it taken care of" when it comes to exotic animal husbandry and planning for unforeseen expenses.

I've said it before: The combined knowledge on this board is a veritable encyclopedia of chameleon keeping and when some of the truly experienced and knowledgeable keepers (like Sandrachameleon) take their time to help us out for free we really need to listen carefully.

I apologize if this sounds like a lecture, it isn't I'm just trying to ass on a bit of hard earned wisdom.
thanks! i realize that you are just trying to make sure i do everything right! i didnt take it as a lecture... what i meant by "i have taken care of it" is that my mom is fully aware of everything that is going on. (sorry to catch you off guard.)

I hope that you tell me any more info that i might need to know!!!

Thank you sooo much,


Ps. i read the links, lots of good info!
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