I'm not sure if this is right. Please help. Gut load question.


New Member
Hi guys! I keep fresh carrots, orange slices, dark greens and zilla gut load cricket & insect food in the bin with the feeder crickets at all times. I feed my Dovah the Jackson's in the morning. How long do the nutrients stay in the crickets? Would I need to separate the crickets to feed my cham hours before to gut load them even thought they're always with food? Thank you!
How long do the nutrients stay in the crickets? Would I need to separate the crickets to feed my cham hours before to gut load them even thought they're always with food?

Depends. If your insects are fed a high quality diet from day 1 and grown on the diet, then a lot of the nutrition will remain. The insect is built on the nutrients. If you merely gutload a couple of days before feeding, then a lot of the nutrition will exit when the insect empties it's gut (poops). The rest of the insect is built out of the lower quality feed.

Side note- this has been known for many years. But now I learn about "vitabugs" and see this is what they must probably be doing- feeding a good diet throughout life so the insect is built out of more nutritious stuff. How is it possible they have a patent on that? How can you "patent" a fact of life that is universal? LOL
Thank you for your reply! I checked out Vita-Bugs site and it's interesting. I will keep mine simple. I live on a farm anyway and usually go to the local farmer's market regularly so fresh veggies are best for my Dovah and I. I do catch myself staring at my feeder crickets. They're fun to watch running around their bin and enjoying their food haha.
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