I'm not sure what the problem is or if there even is one


New Member
so my veiled chameleons name is patch and she's about 6 months (not sure)
Three days ago we got her this Giant terrarium. and at about 2am I looked in and she was at the bottom of the plant and she was cold. and I haven't seen her eat and I'm not sure how to warm it up in there. do I need bigger or better lights?
I put a light on the side to try and get the middle and bottom a little warmer but I'm not sure what to do. I think she's just stressed. constructive criticism


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I don't know what else is going on--and it might be nothing--but a chameleon is cold blooded. They are the same temperature as their surroundings. Just as a rock feels "cold" so does a chameleon. They should generally feel cold, especially at night.

A chameleon does not need heat at night. A veiled can do temps in the 50F range at night quite well.
Not sure how your sleep schedule is for her but when you said 2 am mine is usually sleeping by then. Usually I Kill the lights at 8pm and back on at 7am. I dont see any stress patterns on her unless the pic was a little off. Did she have black dots all over her body with black strips how her cask? She might be stressed and might need sleep.
I think I've figure the problem. she's shedding. and I couldn't see it. and from what I know they like a lot of heat so I bet that's why she is dark. thank you all but
Also they do not recognize the red light as heat so if your using that for baking you can use a house bulb just find right wattage wroth a thermometer. And if your using it for night heat it will keep the chameleon up you don't need heat at night ass stated it gets under 50 just so you know. A lot of people here are willing to help and they are very knowledgeable
If the red light (or any light) is on at night (2 a.m.) then she won't be able to sleep or she may sleep but not soundly and that will cause her stress that could lead to health problems. If you add more vines/perches (and more leaves would be nice) higher up in the enclosure, she will have more options of where to bask so she can better regulate her temperature by deciding how close she wants to be to the heat source.

Also, replace the red light all together and get a regular (soft white) household light bulb. Start with a 60 watt and check the temperature in the basking spot (the perch closest to the basking light) and see if it is as recommended below. If it's not warm enough, try a 75 watt and check temperature again.

Baby/juvenile (<9 months): ambient 72-80F (22-26C), basking 85F (29C)

Click on this link to see the veiled chameleon care sheet here on the Forums. It has a lot of helpful information specific to young Veiled chameleons.


Good luck!
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