Im stilll here!

Hey everyone! I haven't been posting much on the forum lately because i have been so busy with the end of the school year and my swim team. I have been daily reading whats new i always check up on you guys ;)

.Dexter is growing like a weed and i had to redo his cage today and put new plants in. There is a Hibiscus in their at the moment, and it blooms constantly and never dies! I have no idea how it survives indoors but it does :D
.Clea is still good and just finished a nice shed.
.My green anole pairs are great. I still have two eggs so far that are close to hatching.
.My leopard gecko is doing great also. She LOVES her new heating pad i have under the tank.

Enough with the are the pictures ! :)









I hope all is well with everyone!
Hey Stefan!

Glad you are doing well! Your gang looks great!

I have a couple pics of Mobat in my album if you get a chance to check them out!
Wow, you are busy. When I was 13 one lizard at a time was enough.....they all look great:) I still remember my first green anole........when do you find time to hang out and cause trouble?
Also I saw the pic of Clea that won the award. Nice work.
I still manage to have time for friends :)
'Course you do, you're 14 - it gets harder to find when you get to be older tho :rolleyes:, esp. when your friends use rubbish excuses like 'I've got a wife and 3 kids Dave, I can't go missing for days on end like we used to......'
I guess you have a lot to look forward to.....:)
I was just thinking of ya Stefan! Wondering wjy you werent posting any! The girls are still doing great. No eggs so far from either, thank God!!
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